Healed People, Heal People

Natural Herbs For Memory PDF Print E-mail

Do you take prescription meds? Does someone you love take prescription meds? Did you know that properly prescribed prescription meds is the number three cause of death in the USA according to the American Journal of Medicine?

E.H.-T. [Emotional Health-Thompson] | Herb no. 1 for memory

E.H.-T is a combination her that was put together by Practiced Herbalist, Joan Thompson. This is a new formula for optimal mental and emotional health. Excellent results have been achieved when used for the relief of clinical depression, manic depression, ADD [attention deficit disorder], fibromyalgia, phobias, and stress related problems due to long term illness. This blend is also helpful for sleep disorders, improvement of memory, increased alertness, and stress relief.

The following natural herbs make up this combination herb E.H.-T: St. John’s Wort, life everlasting, [cudweed], gotu kola, rice bran, lady’s slipper and Kava Kava.

Dose | Adults: 80 drops in am, 40 in afternoon and 40 at bedtime. For children: one drop per pound divided into three equal doses. Infants: use a couple of drops on the soles of the feet and up and down the spine. Results are achieved in three to six weeks so be patient. It is important to maintain blood levels while in treatment. E.H.-T should not be used in conjunction with any other prescription medications for nerves or depression.

To order E.H.-T, click here.

MEL.-W | Herb no. 2 for memory

MEL.-W [for the production of melatonin and numerous neurotransmitters.] The object is to regulate body rhythms, coordinate glandular action, and improve overall brain function. This formula also nourishes the involuntary nervous system as well as the glands of the head. This is a brain and nerve cocktail with a glandular coordinator.

This combination herb consists of the following natural herbs: alfalfa, parsley, chamomile, gotu kola, barberry, black walnut, bee pollen and maca.

Dose | 40 drops (3) times per day. If bigger problems 1 tsp. (3) times per day. For children : One drop per pound divided into three doses.

To order MEL.-W, click here.

Gingko Combination | Herb no. 3 for memory

Gingko has been clinically tested and findings reveal that long and short term memory are improved. It is also beneficial for a condition known as cerebral vascular insufficiency. It is known to help senility, Alzheimer's, dizziness, headache, lack of vigilance, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, depression, angina, and asthma.

Gotu kola reduces brain fatigue, and revitalizes worn out bodies. Mental disorders, blood pressure problems, and brain restoring powers have all been contributed to gotu kola. Blessed Thistle is an oxygenator to the brain, heart, lungs, and blood system.

This oxygenation helps produce energy and a sense of well being, as memory and body function are aided greatly by proper oxygenation. Blessed thistle also acts as a catalyst for all other herbs. Bad cells can not exist in an area of good oxygenation.

The Gingko Combination herb consists of the following natural herbs: gingko, gotu kola, and blessed thistle.

Dose | 40 to 80 drops (3) times per day. Children protocol: One drop per pound divided into three equal dosages.

To order Gingko Combination, click here.

Kava Kava Combination | Herb no. 4 for memory

Kava Kava is helpful for anxiety, depression and sleeplessness, has a mild tranquilizing effect that helps to relax the mind, clarifies the thought process and soothes the temperature. By relaxing the skeletal muscles, it is helpful for headaches caused by tense neck muscles.

Also, it has an anti-spasmodic action that relieves the coughing of whopping cough, and erases the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. St. John’s Wort is a great nervine used to regenerate nerve tissue, treat depression and stabilize the mood.

Nerve problems of all types are helped, including neuralgia, tremors, and anxiety attacks. Gingko has been clinically tested, and findings reveal that long and short term memory are improved, and it is also beneficial for a condition known as cerebral vascular insufficiency.

It is known to help senility, Alzheimer's, dizziness, headache, lack of vigilance, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, depression, angina, and asthma. If you are under a lot of stress, feeling overwhelmed, depressed or anxious, then this is the formula for you.

Kava Kava is an herb made up of the following combination herbs: kava kava, St. John’s Wort and Gingko.

Dose |40 to 80 drops (3) times per day. Children per protocol: One drop per pound divided into three equal dosages

To order Kava Kava Combination, click here.

Ginkgo | Herb no. 5 for memory

Ginkgo - The leaves and other parts of these ancient trees, of which there are two kinds, male trees and female trees, have been found fossilized in layers of rock from the time when dinosaurs roamed the earth. The ginkgo tree was thought to be long extinct. Then, during the last century some seeds turned up in a hollow rock in China. No one knew what kind of seeds they were. They were planted and they grew! Low and behold, they turned out to be the seeds of the long extinct ginkgo [ginkgo biloba] tree.

Recent clinical testing has revealed both long and short term memory are improved, for all ages and body conditions, by the use of ginkgo leaves. Tests indicate ginkgo solves the memory problem caused by a condition known as cerebral ischemia [brain anemia] where the blood vessels to the brain do not carry enough blood, also sometimes described as cerebral vascular insufficiency.

Whatever it is called, the results are impaired mental performance. Tests indicate ginkgo solves this problem. Tests also indicate, one of the ways ginkgo solves this problem, is by acting as a vasodialator [an agent which opens constricted blood vessels]. The importance of proper circulation in the maintenance of good health and the reversal of diseases can hardly be underestimated. We are indeed grateful for this gift to memory and its presence with us again today.

Fossil records indicate, in the ancient past,ginkgo grew throughout North America and many other regions. Many people now have a ginkgo tree again for its beauty and thick shade. You might say, it has come home. Ginkgo's role in memory improvement is to bring oxygen and blood sugar to the brain and thus, normalize brain function.

Those who suffer from hypoglycemia [low blood sugar], hyperglycemia [high blood sugar] and Alzheimer's disease  [thought disturbances occurring in the onset of senility] are benefited by ginkgo's assistance in the proper release of energy to the nervous system for normalization of mental activity.

A Textbook of Natural Medicine, Vol. I, Ginkgo biloba, published by Bastyr College, Natural Health Sciences, Seattle, Washington, 1993, Drs. Pizzorno and Murray, presents extensive and careful research to show, as circulation to the brain normalizes with the use of ginkgo, these conditions are reversed: "... senility, dizziness, headache, lack of vigilance, macular degeneration [deterioration of the fine focus area in the back of the eye], diabetic retinopathy [fat in arteries causing poor circulation and subsequent deterioration of the image reception area in the back of the eye], ringing in the ears, hearing loss, depression, short term memory loss, angina [heart pain due to reduced blood supply], intermittent claudication [klaw-duh-ka'-shun, pain in the calf of the leg(s) due to insufficient blood circulation], impotency [when due to arterial insufficiency] and asthma [ginkgo acting as an anti-allergy agent]."

This information clearly indicates, ginkgo can be taken for prevention of problems as well as their reversal. Certainly, in the prevention of strokes and heart attacks and those conditions mentioned, ginkgo should be considered as a valued herb.

Dose | 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day as maintenance. 80 to 120 drops 3 times per day in therapeutic use for the reversal of serious conditions.

To order Gingko, click here.

Gotu Kola | Herb no. 6 for memory

Gotu kola is a tiny, delicate water lily from the island of Sri Lanka [ormerly Ceylon] off the southeastern coast of India. This is the plant the famed elephants of Ceylon snatched up a mouthful of before going into the water for their frolic.

The memories of these elephants were said to be phenomenal and the subject of many stories and much amazement. Guess what? People can eat Gotu Kola leaves also and their memory can improve. Memory temporarily winking out is not just a problem of the aged, as you well know. Younger folks just don't talk about it.

If you would live, and live well, for a very long time you must have a very powerful nervous system and this is what gotu kola produces. Gotu Kola reduces brain fatigue and revitalizes worn out bodies. In many religious orders, Gotu Kola is used to correct conditions of the skin that look like fish scales [ichthyosis], and parasitic swellings of the body [elephantiasis], leprosy, syphilitic ulcers and bruises.

Mental disorders and blood pressure problems have also yielded to the blood cleaning and brain restoring powers of gotu kola. Gotu kola also deserves its reputation as a poison antidote.

Dose |Therapeutically and for memory, 20 to 40 drops three times per day after meals, but you must remember to take it. For a stronger nervous system, brain, and memory, a year of use can made a great difference and thereafter, 20 to 40 drops per day as a maintenance.

To order Gotu Kola, click here.

B.& N.C.-W [brain and nerve cocktail] | Herb no. 7 for memory

The combination herb is used to feed and repair the glands in the brain, [pituitary, pineal and hypothalmus, as well as the brain itself] and the autonomic nervous system [involuntary nervous system composed of its two divisions, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems]. In the eye, the autonomic nervous system is shown as a ring [the autonomic nerve wreath] about a third of the way out from the pupil toward the edge of the iris [brown or blue part of the eye].

This combination of herbs provides alfalfa to clean and feed the pituitary, barberry for the hypothalmus, chamomile for the pineal gland, gotu kola [does not contain caffeine] for the entire brain and memory, parsley for the involuntary nervous system and black walnut with its cleaning and corrective electrical properties for all of the nerve tissues. If you don't know what else to do, clean the blood and the bowel. Clean and nourish the nervous system and repair it at the same time.

The brain and nervous system function better when they are clean and nourished. You feel better. People seldom eat any food for the purpose of a body part or parts. They eat their food with their tongues and eyes. You can be different and consciously eat something just for your brain and nerves. B.& N.C.-W can also be of assistance in getting off of drugs.

The B. & N.C.-W is a combination made of the following natural herbs: alfalfa, parsley, chamomile, gotu kola, barberry and black walnut.

Dose |40 drops, 3 times per day. Also rub on temples, around the ears and back of the neck in quantities needed, 3 times per day.

To order B. & N.C. -W, click here.

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