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Natural Herbs For Iron PDF Print E-mail

Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition, it is a practitioners definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do.

There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental. Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too. Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting, to be discovered.

Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do eat too much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone.Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and in the process an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained.

One of the ways to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is in the bottle.

Please accept this offer to build better health naturally. The information was written because you are respected and appreciated, and loved. Someone does care about you and would like to see you well. Herbs are your birthright. Discover yours. - Dr. A.B. Howard

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Cause of death

9/11 terrorist attacks - 2,986 killed

Chernobyl nuclear accident - 4,000 killed

Murders each year - 16,000

Americans killed in Vietnam war - 58,226

Americans killed by Vioxx - 60,000

Americans killed by prescription drugs (each year) - 106,000

Americans killed by conventional medicine (each year) - 783,936

(page 99-112) “How dangerous are prescription drugs, really? The FDA insists they’re safe enough for widespread consumption, even when one drug, all by itself, has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War.

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Bilberry [huckleberry] - In the 1920's the discoverer of Vitamin C, Albert Giorgy, was concerned about the spark of life and where it came from. After years of careful research he concluded it was vitamin C that put and kept the spark of life in the body. When food is eaten, vitamin C is the substance that puts life back into the food to make it part of the body's living tissue. We now know why Bilberries, black currents, chippewa pine and wild rose hips are used for so many different conditions to recover good health.

Bilberry is a good tasting berry that contains the much sought after natural vitamin C. Natural vitamin C is not just one vitamin, it is many related vitamin C's. Therefore, we call it, more properly, vitamin C complex. Chemical vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is just one synthetic type of vitamin C. Bilberries contain all of this naturally occurring complex and the related substances found with it. The compounds rutin, hesperidin and bioflavidnoids are found right along side the natural C complex. These compounds are the glue that sticks your body together so it does not fall apart. Bilberries affect rapid repair of broken blood vessels and prevent them from breaking. Hence, you hear take Bilberry to prevent bruising. The result of taking the natural C complex and related substances together as an extract is that of greater activity. They are far more active than a chemical vitamin C and you don't have to keep increasing the amount as with chemical vitamin C to get the same effect. In fact, historical evidence shows, Bilberries have been gratefully acknowledged for a very impressive array of help. Many are the conditions that fall within the influence of Bilberries.

When we look at mineral sources, Bilberries are one of the highest known sources of the mineral zinc and provide a generous source of iron, manganese and selenium. Iron is required for energy, and both zinc and manganese are closely associated with production of healthy connective tissue. Selenium takes special care to ensure proper cell division and prevent harmful mutations. These prevented harmful mutations could very well have been cancerous or bad cells. If not out-right cancerous cells, then they might have been of a type seen by the body as foreign protein, and set off a war between the body's immune system and this foreign protein. This is the case with conditions like osteoarthritis and other auto-immune or allergic reactions where the body is fighting itself. According to current nutritional research, both zinc and selenium (from natural food sources) are active in ensuring proper cell division and the prevention of cancer cell formation. Bilberries are such a valuable source of so many essential mineral complexes, it is no wonder then, that a long list of healing actions have been recorded and attributed to this marvelous wild berry.

Here is a partial list: Bilberries are a tonic (good for all body systems), strengthen and restore eyesight (it should be noted that many and persistent are the accounts of improvement in eyesight through the use of Bilberries, including correction of macular or fine-focus degeneration of the eye), correct tonsillitis, sore tongue, laryngitis, violent continuous diarrhea with blood loss, intestinal putrefaction, bowel disorders, act as a bowel regulator, mouthwash, gargle, discourage roundworms, and ease vomiting; apply directly for skin problems and inflamed gums; gastric colitis, water retention, typhoid fever, sore tongue with white patches, wound healing, rheumatism (sore joints), bladder problems, gravel in urinary system and mucus in breathing passages. All in all, a very impressive champion of good health. Bilberries blend in with the body's natural functions to give them all a boost and herein lies their secret.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops on or under the tongue three times per day or hourly if condition is severe.

If you'd like to order the pure herb, Bilberry, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



HI.I.-W [high iron] - It is the most beautiful of iron formulas and it tastes good. It is upsetting to see other sources of iron on the market that proclaim how excellent they are and their taste is downright disgusting, something like licking a rusty tin can. And, they are about as good as they taste for your body. That is because they use an iron source, just about like rust, mixed with sulfur.

You can be assured, when iron is organized by a living green plant, it has a far greater attraction for your body cells than rust from the ground. But then, the rust and sulfur form is cheap and after a while it may severely constipate you and destroy the vitamin E in your system, as well as clog up liver functions. This is especially detrimental to pregnant women as they may become sick and the baby born nearsighted. The proof that vegetable iron is good for you is, after a short time of taking it you will probably feel a lot better, men included. With the iron ore type of iron, after a while you will probably feel pretty terrible. Iron is constantly needed to manufacture new red blood cells, especially in women.

When the right kind of iron enters your body, in a liquid extract form, you can readily absorb it. As it hits the oxygen in the body, you feel the spark of life tickling your whole system again. It is alright to banish constant fatigue and feel frisky and stay that way. Breathe and enjoy it.

HI.I.-W is a combination of the following herbs: Thyme, yellow dock, red raspberry leaf, indian tobacco.

Dose: 20 to 40 drops per day. If deficient or time of menstruation, 40 drops, 3 times per day. For babies and small children, 1 - 5 drops per day. Can be rubbed into soles of feet. For older children, 5 - 10 drops per day. Adolescents use same amount as adults, as they are growing and need more of everything, even though they have not yet reached their full growth.

If you'd like to order pure herb, HI.I.-W, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Papaya Mints

Papaya Mints - It is a peculiarity that most of the things that are good for us don't always taste very good. This formula is an exception. For thousands of years, tradition has delegated admiration for the cooling and refreshing effects of peppermint [Egyptian remembrances to the departed from as far back as 1,000 B.C. contain peppermint as a farewell for the hereafter]. There is no adequate description for its flavor and oxygenating qualities unless you have tasted it. The same can be said for spearmint. Both of these mints have a very soothing and pleasing affect on the stomach and tongue.

Both peppermint and spearmint are much used and loved as tea and flavoring for toothpastes, candies, mouthwashes and chewing gum. Peppermint also provides a rich source of iron for energy and is one of the truly good tasting sources of the mineral potassium for muscular strength and stabilizatiom of blood sugar. Peppermint tea expels gas and has long been a favorite of mothers for baby's bottle. This is especially useful for the gas condition known as infant colic.

Spearmint has proven itself successful to reduce fever and correct burning urination and difficulty urinating. The ripe yellow-orange Papaya fruit is the vegetable digestaid of the south seas. It is gentle, and as a bonus, good tasting. Folk wisdom in those areas dictate its daily use as a treat and an aid to proper digestion. Modern science has now confirmed the fact that Papaya does indeed contain digestive enzymes [complex substances produced by a living system that cause changes necessary for life without themselves being changed] that do digest protein and other types of food in the stomach. Once again folk wisdom has been reaffirmed.

The combination of Papaya and the double mints of peppermint and spearmint produce a winning team for the stomach and digestive tract, taken from all vegetable sources. Its taste is such a treat to even the most stubborn sufferers, that they look forward to its use and stop spewing out so much venom from digestive upset. For us normal digestive sufferers, we too now have a digestaid that tastes good.

Papaya Mints is a combination of the following pure herbs: Papaya, peppermint leaf, spearmint leaf.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops or more, if needed, as needed, at each meal.

If you'd like to order the pure herb, Papaya Mints, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Spring Greens

Spring Greens - [Source, Missouri, USA, Mr. & Mrs. William H. and Ola Dell Watkins]

During the war between the states of North America, food became scarce and people were desperate. Desperation became the mother of invention. To prevent widespread starvation and sickness, people turned to the land and the plants that had managed to survive on their own. It was from this experience that each family developed its own unique meal from what was available at the time it was collected. It was never quite the same twice, but somehow always pretty much the same in its overall effect. Not only did people not get sick or starve [they lost some weight], they either got well or developed better health than they had previously known. As a result, many families still continue this tradition as a matter of taste, and in preference to store bought vegetables. If you want energy, the iron in Spring Greens will give it to you.

If you want to clean the skin and purify the blood, the natural vegetable sulfur in Spring Greens will do this for you. If you desire the blood building, healing properties of spring chlorophyll (plant blood) and a gentle bowel cleanse, Spring Greens will give it to you. If you just plain have got a case of spring fever and the body is overwhelmed by having to switch from heating to cooling, Spring Greens can offer you relief.

Combination: (As seasonally available) Lamb's quarters, inkberry leaf (poke salad), swiss chard, collard greens, dandelion leaf, narrow dock (yellow dock), radish leaves, kale, curly leaf mustard, spinach, horseradish leaf.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day

If you'd like to order the pure herb, Spring Greens, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Three Bee's

Three Bees - The best of three bee products are combined in this high energy, antibiotic formula. Bee Pollen [bee collected plant sperm] provides energy, the elements of new life for cell regeneration and antibiotic activity, as well as a high quality protein source and first-rate anti-stress adrenal gland nutrition. Bee Propolis [bee glue] possesses the antibiotic spark to raise immunity levels and get the life systems moving again. Putrid material is rendered harmless. Low-grade fevers disappear. Royal Jelly [Queen Bee food] is that elixir of life which extends the normal life span of an infertile worker bee from a few weeks to several years as a Queen with great fertility. Together, these three bee products provide a powerful formula for the entire nervous system. The body virtually glows with renewed vigor.

Three Bee's includes a combination of the following herbs: Bee pollen, bee propolis, royal jelly

Dose: 40 drops, 3 times per day. If needed to spark systems back into action, 40 drops per hour, while awake until well. Then as a maintenance, 40 drops, three times per day to stay well.

If you'd like to order the pure herb, Three Bee's, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



B.P.-W [blood purifier] - The combination effect of some herbal combinations is comparable to beautiful music played with all the necessary elements of harmony, rhythm and melody. The herbs blend and support each other and become much more than each separately. Such a combination is B.P.-W.

Here the combined attention is to provide the strength to clean and normalize the blood stream. It cleans out anything touched by the blood, whether it be cancerous cells, tumors, yeasts and other types of fungus, germs, virus organisms, floating trash, irritating acid crystals, urea and heavy metals.

B.P.-W also provides nourishment for the red and white blood cells as well as the bone marrow. B.P.-W can be taken with confidence to provide a generous supply of organic iron and rejuvenating materials.

Note: B.P.-W has a companion formula known as B.C.-W [blood cleaner]. It is a matter of practitioners choice as to which is chosen for cleaning. Both are excellent blood cleaners. B.P.-W leans a little more toward also getting glandular areas to give up their poisons, whereas B.C.-W leans a little more toward also getting the organs to give up their poisons, but both will do a fine job of cleaning. In the process, many diseases just can't stay in the body.

B.P.-W. is a combination of the following herbs: Peach leaf, stillingia, red clover, bee pollen, greasewood (chaparral), buckthorn, inkberry [pokeroot], prickly ash.

Dose: 40 drops, 3 times per day. More can be taken, if needed, once accustomed to its effects. Take with a good bowel program to produce at least 2, and preferably 3, bowel movements per day. This handles the increased evacuation of poisons and prevents sick feeling when cleaning the blood. [See: Cascara Sagrada, C.C.E.-W, Buckthorn]

If you'd like to order this combination pure herb, B.P.-W, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Yellow Dock

Alma Hutchens cites Yellow Dock as, A favorite herb of ancient Indians, old time doctors, early settlers and herbal practitioners. Perhaps its prime function is due to its extremely rich organic iron content. Because of this, oxygen for the breath of life is combined easily with food materials for energy and to oxidize food materials and reduce them to easily eliminated ash from the depths of the cellular mitochondria [body's furnace].

Yellow Dock is often recommended for prenatal cases so mother and baby can have proper oxygenation for a normal pregnancy. The rich supply of iron provides baby with enough iron to survive on a diet of breast milk for 6 months after birth without additional iron, as is expected.

The solids of Yellow Dock when analyzed are up to 40% iron. This type of iron cannot be picked up by a magnet. Iron formulas often employed in the prenatal diet by modern doctors are straight from iron ore and can cause liver poison and black stools.

Yellow Dock's iron is closely associated with the living plant processes and is easily absorbed. Modern science today will do well to recognize the relative activity rates of different types of iron rather than make false assumptions that iron filings are as good for you as Yellow Dock iron.

Healthy mothers and babies speak much for the difference. Herbalists have traditionally used this mineral-rich plant for sore joints, blood from the lungs, tumors, leprosy, cancer, chronic bronchitis, diseased spleen, swollen lymph glands and as a valuable source of iron for male and female system.

Rub the extract on spongy gums each evening until relief. Loose teeth are thus replaced in proper position. Use the extract for shingles by combining Yellow Dock with burdock to make an application. Apply vitamin E to the affected area. Then place a cotton cloth, with no dye, soaked in the extracts over the area followed by a plastic wrap and a cloth wrap to hold it all in place. [Ratio for this solution is 10 to 2.] Ten parts of water to one part of each two Docks. This may also be used on other types of skin eruptions and skin allergies.

Dosage: Internally 10 to 40 drops one to two times per day. During pregnancy, 10 to 40 drops three times per day.

Yellow Dock is good for the following: as an astringent, tonic, scurvy, skin problems, especially itch, lymphatic system, syphilis, spongy gums.

Alma R. Hutchens, Indian Herbalogy of North America; Dr. John R. Christopher, School of Natural Healing; Drs. George Wood & Franklin Bache, The Dispensatory of the United States, 12th Edition.

If you'd like to order pure herb, Yellow Dock, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



YTH.E.-I [Youth Elixir-Regulations Liquid - herbalist Inman] - This unique combination was formulated by Herbalist Sandra Inman fro the young and the young at heart. She says it helps the young stay young and the more mature look and feel much younger.

The aging process begins on the inside, so turn back the clock and preserve your health by taking this combination. This natural herbal combination will influence an array of youth-maintaining substances and functions throughout the body. The organic source of iron will give you natural energy.

YTH.E.-I has an abundance of the much-needed vitamins, minerals, carotenoids [yellow to red colored healing plant materials] and essential fatty acids [oils the body needs for life and must get from food]. All of the B and C-complex vitamins, to fight stress and boost the immune system, are included. It also has powerful antioxidants [poison antidotes] to fight free-radical [poisons] damage, which causes aging.

It also has all of the essential and non-essential amino acids. As a bonus, you will enjoy the pleasing taste and smell this combination has because of the mild digestive enzyme [speeds up a reaction] combination, which helps you avoid a system of toxic [poison] build up.

If metal poisoning is a concern, this formula will flush that right out of your system. With continued use, you may also notice that you handle stress better, your vision has improved, you have less pain and inflammation, your immunity has increased, and you are more energetic. Your skin may appear more radiant and less wrinkled because of the collagen [elastic tissue] building and internal moisturizing you will receive from these ingredients. Also, your hair and nails maay become stronger and healthier. You may even notice that you weigh less.

YTH.E.-I is a combination of the following herbs: Sirulina, bilberries, alfalfa, royal jelly, wild yam, irish moss, papaya mints, yucca

Dosage: 40 to 80 drops 3 times a day with meals

Helpful hint: Be sure and drink 64 oz. of water a day to prevent dehydration, which accelerates aging.

To order the combination pure herb, YTH.E.-I, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



HYG.-W [hypoglycemia, low blood sugar] - Low blood sugar is a constant and ongoing problem for more people than you might imagine. Bad effects known to occur from low blood sugar could easily fill several, closely type written pages. Essentially what happens is that a person does not get and/or digest enough high quality protein and may also be deficient in the B-complex vitamins.

Protein stabilizes blood sugar, and the requirement of blood sugar. To stabilize blood sugar problems, protein should be taken at least 3 times per day, and in some cases it is necessary to take several small protein meals 4 or 5 times per day. The B-complex of vitamins is also best taken 3 or more times per day.

Rice bran extract is an excellent source of the B-complex. The B-complex vitamins provide a person with a sense of well being. When they are ot available, or digested, or absorbed and not present, the nerves cannot feed on the normal levels of blood sugar, and the sense of well being is lost. The major digestive organ-gland, known as the pancreas, and the anti-stress glands, knowns as the adrenal glands, go into a state of desperation in a frantic attempt to stablize vital body functions. The adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney, produce at least 2 dozen different anti-stress hormones and anti-stress compounds to stabilize the blood sugar and body.

Many people are addicted to refined sugar and white flour types of food in an attempt to keep their blood sugar up. This causes more harm than good, as these types of refined carbohydrates [sugar and starch] are burned too quickly and, after a momentary surge of energy, are gone and leave the person feeling burned out. Eating more junk foods to solve the problem adds to the misery, because they do not contain the complete normal and natural profile of the B-complex vitamins.They actually take vitamin B's, out of the system to digest. The nervous system gets only a rapid spurt of energy, then crashes and the personality suffers. Bizarre symptoms can occur.

In general, there is an over-reaction of the pancreas to make a hormone known insulin. Then, the refined sugar and starches from cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy bars, soda pop, sugary breakfast cereals, white bread and white pasta can cause us much grief. Some people have a steady diet of this sort of incomplete food, commonly known as junk food. A person could just as easily say robbed foods, as they are depleted of their proteins, vitamins and minerals in the refining process, to remove anything that could spoil, to increase shelf life and to look pretty.

The point is, if it won't spoil, it probably won't digest properly. After the refining junk food gets a few unbalanced chemical vitamins and some crude elemental minerals from the ground added back to it, and then it is legally called enriched. The result is a perversion of nutrition. Eating this kind of food can produce just about any kind of unpleasant symptom around. A few examples are: headaches, skin problems, menstrual irregularities, surges of temper and/or destructiveness, inability to concentrate or reason, attention deficits, a feeling of drifting off, dandruff, hyperactivity, abnormal tongue appearances, sore mouth, sore tongue, cracks at the corners of the mouth, constipation, colds, flu, teeth problems, gum problems, over weight, etc!

The way to break these vicious cycles of suffering is to have high quality protein, of your choice, at each meal, as tolerated, to satisfaction. Take a digestive aid with it, if necessary, adequate B-complex vitamins and, of course, eliminate the junk foods. These kinds of foods are generally composed of refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar [actually white sugar with a little natural coloring in it], corn syrup, white flour types of crackers, cakes, cookies, pies, assorted crummy yummies, brown breads that are spongy and not heavy when you pick them up, regardless of being called whole wheat or rye bread.

Junk foods rely on chemical dyes, chemical flavorings and chemical preservatives to trick the tongue, make them look pretty, and extend their shelf life. Many people feel they cannot eat protein foods because they have allergies to them, or bloat when they eat them. With a digestaid, such as sweet root, they may be able to do so. HYG.-W contains the digestaids sweet root and juniper berry, as well as rice bran for the B-complex, and liquid bee pollen for protein. Rice bran provides the complete, natural, balanced spectrum of all the vitamin B's for proper nervous system nutrition and a sense of well being. Licorice root, juniper berry, and bee pollen, are a powerhouse combination for the adrenal glands, so that you have some get-up-and-go without having to crash after taking them.

Sweet root and juniper berry not only assist the pancreas to digest food, they provide this digestive organ-gland with a helping hand to digest food. This give the pancreas time to repair itself from past abuses by sharing the digestive workload. When baffling symptoms occur and you see the person is more or less addicted to refined carbohydrates, it is a good bet to think low blood sugar and use HYG.-W.

HYG.-W is a combination of the following herbs: Bee pollen, licorice root, rice bran, sweet root and juniper berry

Dosage: 10 to 40 drops, 3 times per day. Increase as needed, to get results.

To order the combination pure herb, HYG.-W, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.

If there is an herb you're interested in that's not listed, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . There is a natural herb for all conditions of the body and mind.

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