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Natural Herbs For Male Sex Problems Of All Kinds Including Prostate PDF Print E-mail

Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition, it is a practitioners definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do.

There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental. Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too. Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting, to be discovered.

Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do eat too much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone.Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and in the process an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained.

One of the ways to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is in the bottle.

Please accept this offer to build better health naturally. The information was written because you are respected and appreciated, and loved. Someone does care about you and would like to see you well. Herbs are your birthright. Discover yours. - Dr. A.B. Howard

Do you take prescription meds?

Does someone you love take prescription meds?

Did you know prescription meds is the leading cause of death in America?


Cause of death

9/11 terrorist attacks - 2,986 killed

Chernobyl nuclear accident - 4,000 killed

Murders each year - 16,000

Americans killed in Vietnam war - 58,226

Americans killed by Vioxx - 60,000

Americans killed by prescription drugs (each year) - 106,000

Americans killed by conventional medicine (each year) - 783,936

(page 99-112) “How dangerous are prescription drugs, really? The FDA insists they’re safe enough for widespread consumption, even when one drug, all by itself, has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War.

The truth is that the vast majority of prescription drugs are not compatible with human biology. Rather then working to support human biology, they typically attempt to hijack the body’s biochemistry to achieve a desired measurable result, and a silent massacre is enacted on the people.

Source: Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams
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Combination(s) Blue Steele

Blue Steele - Men and women who cannot physically perform as they should is the problem addressed by the Combination of Blue Steele. This effective Texas double barrel shotgun clear the hall approach here, is to put everything into one team that has proven itself, singly, to be effective in encouraging activity, promoting physical ability, or increasing desire. The results are impressive, judging by information supplied by its satisfied users. Men and women who have tried Blue Steele have many encouraging things to say about their success.

The individual herbs of Blue Steele speak well together to tell the whole story. Damiana has the distinction of increasing sexual desire. Dong Quai [Chinese angelica herb] contains a type of self regulating estrogen that regulates the proper level for the male system and the female system (yes, men also need a certain amount of female hormone). Korean Ginseng has been enjoyed for millennia, by men and women alike, for its unique glandular nutrition. Sarsaparilla was used extensively in the Old West and the rest of the States and was more popular than Coca Cola during the 1800's to elevate energy and initiate hormonal activity. Saw Palmetto is used by the southeastern coastal Native Americans for proper development and maintenance of all the reproductive structures. Elderberry flowers promote sexual appetite. False Unicron Root establishes fertility in both men and women. Yokum ensures erectile tissues and structures are well supplied and increases nerve sensations. Siberian Ginseng provides not only hormonal support but also endurance. French Vanilla is a worldwide delight in the taste department and works with taste and brain receptor areas to encourage sexual activity. Wood Betony increases circulation for proper performance. Indian Tobacco gives temporary, but effective, relief of mental and physical tension. There is only one way to find out for sure if Blue Steele works for you. And if it does, your experience can be added to its many users and friends.

The pure herb Blue Steele is made of the following single herbs: damiana, dong quai [Chinese Angelica Herb], korean ginseng, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, elderberry, false unicorn root, yokum, siberian ginseng, french vanilla, wood betony and indian tobacco.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day. Depending on the state of health or non-health, persist until satisfactory results.

To order the pure herb Blue Steele, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Crampbark & False Unicorn Root

Promotes fertility if children are desired. Taken by prospective mother. If after four months nothing is on the way, then please have prospective father take also. Corrects male and female reproductive organs. Prevents miscarriage and stops threatened miscarriage. If miscarriage threatens then 40 drops per hour, every hour while awake, no lifting, no reaching up, prop up feet when sitting, wait on prospective mother. Continue in this manner until danger is over. Works quickly if pregnancy is good. Settles stomach and cleans the blood stream.

This combination herb includes the following herbs: crampbark and false unicorn root.

Dose: 40 drops, 3 times per day faithfully, and as given above. Usually, within a year you should either be feeding or choosing names. The longest recorded case that was pronounced medically hopeless took three years and then a happy, healthy baby girl was born to a happy, healthy mother.

To order the pure herb Crampbark & False Unicorn Root, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



H.B.-W [Hormonal balance for men and women] - Hormonal balancing is a good operational practice. By providing a selection of whatever the glandular systems might need, we ensure a healthy, active, glandular status. When the glands are healthy and nourished, we are active and youthful. Rejuvenating.

This combination herb H.B.-W is made of the following single, pure herbs: sarsaparilla, ginger, gotu kola, siberian ginseng, wild rose hips.

Dose: 10 to 40 drops, after meals. If extra assistance is needed for a depleted glandular system, consider taking 80 drops, 3 times per day and persist until you do see a difference. Then go on a maintenance amount of 40 drops, 3 times per day.

To order the pure herb H.B.-W, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



GO.-W [Go! herbal stimulant] - There are times when an individual must rely on a stimulant to fulfill their commitments and duties. The trouble with most stimulants, such as coffee and tea, is they operate on the fly now and pay later principle. In other words, they act like a whip for a tired horse. They burn your reserve nutrients to squeeze out the last ounce of energy and then the crash comes. This leaves you feeling empty and drained inside unless you practice heavy supplementation of vitamins and minerals. The concept here, for a good stimulant, would be to utilize the principle of pay as you go. And that is what GO.-W does. A generous provision of energy and nutrients run side by side.

Liquid Bee Pollen and Licorice Root are instant energy for the adrenal glands [glands, one on top of each kidney, that produce numerous anti-stress compounds] that balance out the boost provided by the herb Bitter Orange.

Prickly Ash sweeps away fatigue products such as acids and carbon dioxide, and Capsicum provides the spark to drive oxygen to the brain and vital organs carried by the herb Eyebright. A person is refreshed and ready to go. When you have miles to go and promises to keep before you rest this night there is help in the form of GO.-W.

This GO.-W combination herb is made of the following single herbs: bitter orange, bee pollen, eyebright, licorice root, gentian, prickly ash, capsicum.

Dose: 30 to 40 drops, as needed

To order the pure herb GO.-W, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



Natural Sexual Stimula - herbalist - Miesse - To get this combination right, it was formulated over a number of years by using the herbs that make it up and seeing their results. It was done with clients who found a desire to enhance their sexual vigor for many different reasons.

Many people do not want to use a drug like Viagra that may cause undesirable side effects down the road. There are many who would rather use a natural stimulant. They prefer to sue the herbal method to enhance their sex drive or to help them overcome problems due to medication and other concerns.

N.S.S.-M was developed for those who want a natural choice and for those who have been robbed of their natural desires. Through practice, by adding four supporting herbs to an established base combination, we get N.S.S.-M. Many have found the results very pleasing.

Blue Steele - This great extract combination gives us the very best of both worlds, physically and mentally. This blend contains 12 wonderful herbs: damiana, dong quai, korean ginseng, sarsaparilla, saw palmetto, elderberry, false unicorn root, yokum, siberian ginseng, french vanilla, wood betony and indian tobacco. Without going into detail, 10 of these strengthen desire [acts as an aphrodisiac] and help in hormonal maintenance, and the last one relaxes the system.

Pumpkin Seed is an excellent trace mineral that contains zinc and copper. It helps a swollen prostate and is a fine source of selenium.

Maca strengthens sexual functions in both men and women. It functions at the brain level [pituitiary and hypothalamus] for good glandular balance. It is powerful for oxygen and emotions and helps to avoid sexual organ shrinkage with age.

Sarsaparilla acts like an electrolyte boost for restoring energy from fatigue and exhaustion. Historically, sarsaparilla is a preventive factor against veneral disease. It is a fine hormonal herb for both men and women.

Gravel Root is generally used for urinary tract problems and stone deposits. This herb wears many hats and is wonderful for relief of stiff and inflamed joints and tissue due to uric acid factors. It is helpful in restoring fertility for those who are suffering from infertility due to chemical or physical problems.

Comments: The present demand for Viagra-type natural stimulant does exist, however, I do not believe that nature will give you the quick fix effect that the chemical product claims. Though the natural sex stimulant may be subtle, it will build to a healthier, consistent daily attitude toward sexual desire and a balanced healthy body, allowing for many safe years of pleasure and a healthy life style.

This formula can be used by men and women and is user-friendly.

The N.S.S.-M combination herb is made of the following single pure herbs: blue steele, pumpkin seed, sarsaparilla, maca and gravel root.

Dosage: 20 to 40 drops, taken 2 to 3 times daily in juice or water. More as desired will not harm you.

To order the pure herb N.S.S.-M, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



P.-W [Prostate] is a combination for men. It reduces swelling and inflammation, soften and restore prostate to good working order. Resume normal urinary flow without trouble starting. Nourishes male reproductive system to promote normal sexual activity. P.-W may also be used as part of a Sitz-Bad (Ger. sit-bath) regimen. Use P.-W in conjunction with a bowel management program to keep the area free of accumulated wastes which must be emptied frequently to avoid aggravation of the healing process. [See: Cascara Sagrada, C.C.E.-W, Buckthorn, Senna]

This combination P.-W is made of the following single herbs: buchu, wild rose hips, white pond lily, pumpkin seed, knitbone [comfrey].

Dose: 40 to 80 drops after meals, or 3 times per day. For more serious cases make use of a Sitz-Bad [Sit-bath] regimen. Use 1 tbl. of P.-W per Sitz-Bad. [Optional: also add 40 drops of Oil of Cajeput to the sit-bath].

To order this combination herb P.-W, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



S.D.-R (Stone Dissolver-Reuben) Practiced Amish Herbalist, Reuben Schwartz, recommends this highly successful combination, as being "better than a hammer for smashing kidney and bladder stones and dissolving them". The stones do not irritate in the process of dissolving, as the Marshmallow portion in this combination coats the particles and slides them out.

This combination herb S.D.-R is made of the following single herbs: stone root, gravel root, marshmallow root, hydrangea root.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops hourly, while awake, with a glass of water until dissolved. A slower approach is 80 drops three times per day.

To order this combination herb S.D.-R, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


S.M.& W.-S

First of all, The Formula - Stimulant for Men & Women by Solomon - contains the knowledge and observation of many years of Amish herbal experience. When a practitioner sees problems over and over, and what actually works on them, then you have experience that is valuable.

What else? Well, the real touch of excitement comes wheen you can see a formula [based on this experience and made with high quality herbs] put together and see it can do more than the individual herbs in it can do separately. Then you really have something. And that is what happened and how this formula S.M. & W.-S was developed and came to be.

Since then, we have the evidence of people continuing to deman this formula for its assistance to men and women. On the basis of this, one might suspect that it works. We can get a hint of its total function by looking at its ingredients.

Sarsaparilla has long been prized for its anti-stress, energy and stamina giving properties by nourishing the adrenal glands [one on top of each kidney]. The adrenal glands factually make at least four dozen different anti-stress compounds to keep us on a level path.

They can even make female hormones for a woman who has had a hysterectomy operation to remove the ovaries and/or the uterus.

Pumpkin seed contains the necessary trace elements of zinc and copper. Zinc is the friend of the prostate and the uterus so that they function normally. Cooper is needed to ensure elasticity of connective tissue.

Pumpkin seeds are also the enemy of parasites that often plague parts of the body and go undetected as a cause of mischief. Zinc and copper from pumpkin seeds don't fight each other like the people who sell you laboratory made tablets of copper and zinc supplements say they do.

Yokum is an herb that has known hormonal support properties. It increases the function of sexual activity for men and women. Wild Yam can be taken by women and men to provide the building blocks for the body to convert into whatever sexual hormone may be lacking.

Wild Yam also has a hormonal balancing property to it.

Maca is the herb used for millennia by the native peoples of the high Peruvian Andes Mountains for its fertility and anti-stress support. Maca is at home in the Andes and lives and survives the rigors of that harsh climate.

Stone Root dissolves waste mineral deposits that can clog up circulatory vessels and thus restores circulation and function. It is noted especially for its correction of the urinary system, but it also works on cleaning heart valves and all other areas where there are congestive mineral desposits

This S.M & W.-S combination herb is comprised of the following single herbs: sarsaparilla, pumpkin seed, yokum, wild yam, maca and stone root.

Dosage: 80 drops to 1 tsp., 3 times per day and let nature do the rest.

To order this pure herb S.M. & W.-S., email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



This jewel among herbs makes its home in one of the most desolate deserts in the world, in Southern Africa, the Kalahari Desert. In that tortured environment, it develops its great strength to relieve kidney, bladder, prostate, uterus discomfort and lower back pain.

Buchu is quick in its action. Buchu finds its primary application in urinary and reproductive system problems [both male and female]. It is helpful in painful urination and for inflammation, gravel and infected mucus of the bladder. It is effective in leucorrhoea [whitish mucus-pus female discharge] and is a stomachic and stimulant tonic. Most effective in kidney support and is an excellent source of herbal postassium.

Dosage: 10, 20 or 40 drops three times a day

To order the pure herb Buchu, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



Mayapple - This deep woods and wayside umbrella shaped, springtime blooming plant, not quite knee high, is a familiar sight in much of North America.

The Mayapple root corrects the following conditions: bilious troubles [liver-gall-bladder caused vomiting], dropsy [fluid retention], congestion of the liver, constipation, torpid [lazy, polluted] liver, lead poisoning, diarrhea, catarrhal [infected mucus congestion] or malarial jaundice [yellow skin], intermittent and remittent fevers, digestive upsets, headache, rheumatism [joint degeneration], syphilis, venereal warts, scrofula [swollen, infected lymphatics that can result in a variety of tuberculous of the lymph nodes or filters], typhoid fever, prolapsed rectum [prolapsus ani], uterine diseases, pin worms, a specific for cancer of the testicle.

Dose:40 to 80 drops 3 times per day. If cancer of the testicle, then open capsules of 100 i.u [International Units, a measure of liquid vitamins] Vitamin E and apply to the entire scrotum. Then apply Oil of Cajeput and Herbal Adjustment [Adjustment] directly to the skin. Finally, soak a single layer of cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with Mayapple extract and wrap this around the scrotum. Cover this with plastic sandwich wrap and a cloth and wear with snug but not tight fitting under shorts. Leave on overnight. The next morning, remove the application and discard. Wash the area and allow to dry. Then repeat the application for the daytime. This is an around-the-clock, time release corrective action. Persist until the condition is corrected. Be sure to use with a good bowel program [See Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn, C.C.E.-W] to carry off the wastes to avoid skin irritation. This same procedure can be followed for other body parts for the other conditions listed above, where practicable. Apply Mayapple to venereal warts as needed.

To order this pure herb Mayapple, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Pygeum Bark

Pygeum Bark - Comes to us from the herbal experience of Africa. Like the herb, Saw Palmetto, Pygeum Bark contains an active substance called beta-sitosterol,which reduces inflammation of the male prostate to normalize hormonal activity. It thus prevents the inability to function sexually and corrects it in the aging male body.

Dose: 40 drops three (3) times per day.

To order this pure herb Pygeum Bark, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


White Pond Lily

White Pond Lily - Time honored remedy, know as Star-Fallen-In-The-Water by the Ojibwa Indians of North America. Much appreciated for its beauty as well as its reliable healing properties. Resident of calm waters, bearing large, delightful, floating, white flowers with golden centers and producing a captivating perfume described as brandy-like, hence, its alternative name - brandy bottle. The root is the part used. The taste of the root of White Pond Lily is unique; warming, slightly dry, and mineral in character. Used to correct all complaints of uterus or prostate and dissolving all types of cancers and tumors in the area. Recognized as an anaphrodisiac [reduces sexual desire for rest and healing], as well as a pain reliever and its soothing qualities. Excellent to quiet infant diarrhea, ulcers in mouth, inflamed gums and sore throat. Take internally, and apply directly to troubled areas, as well.

Dose:10 to 40 drops three times per day. Apply on troubled areas, hourly, as needed. Use cotton ball soaked with the extract to place in mouth for sore throat or gums.

To order the pure herb White Pond Lily, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto - This relatively small palm tree inhabits the coast of the U.S. from the Carolinas southward. Its roots help to hold the coastal shoreline together. Produced on its branches is an edible date like fruit. The fruit, along with its seed, have been used by the original coastal inhabitants since before any recorded history. Although the date is said, through modern investigation, to contain male hormone, it has been and is used, successfully, by both men and women to ensure complete sexual development. Men and women, both, use Saw Palmetto to develop their proper proportions and functions. In women, continued use of Saw Palmetto, in about 60% of cases of underdevelopment, does produce increased breast size. Of the other 40%, 20% show no change, and 20% show increased aggression with no change of breast size. For men, Saw Palmetto rebuilds shriveled testicles and corrects associated disorders. For women, Saw Palmetto rebuilds diminished ovaries.

For both sexes, Saw Palmetto produces solid flesh weight and increased strength without fat. This is of special interest also, to body builders and athletes, both men and women. French researchers report: Saw Palmetto prevents male pattern baldness. The isolated cause is stated to be the overproduction of a male hormone, dihydrotestosterone, in the areas of the scrotum and scalp. Saw Palmetto balances this out and the hair is retained. Saw Palmetto can be given in cases of convalescence, where the person is wasting away, to put flesh back on the bones for successful recuperation. [Combines well with Barberry. See: Barberry]

Dose: 30 to 40 drops, 3 times per day. For men threatened with male pattern baldness, take 30 to 40 drops, by mouth, 3 times per day, and once per day, rub Saw Palmetto into the inner thighs and into the scalp in amounts needed to cover the area. For women, take 20 to 40 drops, 3 times per day internally, and once per day, apply to both breasts. Athletes, 30 to 50 drops, 4 times per day.

To order this pure herb Saw Palmetto, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



UR.-W [Urinary] - For urinary tract problems of all kinds, corrects burning, reduces swelling of prostate and uterus, pinching, pressure, tightens urinary sphincter control to correct incontinence and dissolves stones of the kidneys and bladder.

When using a kidney formula for dissolving accumulated waste or flushing out infections, it is a good idea to drink at least 6 glasses of a good spring water per day, or green drink can be taken at the rate of 1 cup full, every hour, while awake. Prepare a live green drink by blending 1 handfull of any fresh, edible green leaves of lettuce [no head lettuce please] with 1 pint [1/2 liter] of water. Blend for one minute and filter through a paper coffee filter, if desired. Make fresh daily, and chill in the refrigerator to keep throughout the day. If going out, then take an insulated vacuum bottle along for hourly use. If urine flow has stopped, then liberally apply UR.-W directly to the kidney areas on the back which are under and above the last ribs. Apply several times until the urinary flow resumes. If a stubborn problem that requires more intensive work, then apply Vitamin E from 100 i.u. capsules [i.u. stands for International Unit and is a measure of liquid vitamins] to prevent irritation.

Next, especially if there is pain, apply Herbal Adjustment and Peppermint Oil or Oil of Cajeput directly to the skin. Then, soak a single layer of absorbent gauze or cheese cloth with UR.-W and lay this over the kidney area. Cover with plastic sandwich wrap and finally, wrap a cloth around the body to hold all in place. This procedure is known as a fomentation [fo'-men-tay-shun]. Leave on overnight, each night, until well. This can be repeated for the daytime, if needed. Wash the area and allow to dry before putting on a new fomentation. Never reuse a fomentation as this time-release procedure not only drives the herbs into the affected area, it also pulls poisons out of the body in the reverse direction.

Take internally, daily, to correct infections and prevent problems. For men and women it is very important to have a good bowel maintenance program, in conjunction with solving urinary problems, to guard against bowel wastes being reabsorbed and irritating the surrounding areas. [See: Cascara Sagrada, C.C.E.-W, Buckthorn].

For women it is important to use the napkin instead of the tampon, as the tampon holds irritants internally that aggravate surrounding areas. If additional assistance is needed, then consider the use of Pipsissewa [or Blue Cohosh if not pregnant] in case venereal infections may be related to the suffering, at the rate of 40 drops, 3 times per day.

This combination herb UR.-W is made of the following single natural herbs: cornsilk, uva ursi, gravel root, buchu and yarrow.

Dose: As a daily maintenance of the urinary tract, 30 to 40 drops per day. If an active problem, then 40 to 80 drops internally, after meals, or hourly while awake, in times of crisis and as given above.

To order this pure herb UR.-W contact, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



The function of Echinacea is in the ability to expel morbid material, hence circulation is improved. It has long been held that the average person has 10 to 20 pounds of morbid material in the blood system and alimentary canal that is chronic and uneliminated. It is a perfect breeding ground for disease and malfunction, hence, the extraordinary, valuable role of Echinacea is highly desirable.

Auto-infection, where the body is infectious to itself due to stale wastes is eliminated by Echinacea. As this occurs, help in the following areas are observed: strengthen the immune system, syphilis, gonorrhea, gangrene, tired feeling, resolving of pus pockets and pimples, elimination of piles, correction of lymphatic inflammation, snake bites, stinging creatures, bad breath, toxic tonsils, prostate problems, sexual impotence, and foul discharges.

It should be noted that Echinacea produces temporary skin disturbances in cases of weak kidneys, lymphatic engorgement, poor lung and bowel elimination. The body simply kicks waste out through the skin. This may alarm some people as they think the Echinacea has made them sick. Persistence in its use will soon clear up this temporary corrective disturbance.

Care should be taken to assist Echinacea by increased bowel elimination with a laxative as needed. Dry brushing of the skin with a brush, made of vegetable fiber, non-synthetic clothing and gentle sunbathing will greatly diminish skin irritation.

Deep, old, bluish chronic conditions respond to Echinacea. External dryness and bluishness due to internal dehydration and oxygen starvation are a specialty of Echinacea. This may be applied externally with gauze or cotton and covered by plastic and held in place with a cloth wrap. Vitamin E oil from 100 or 400 i.u. capsule(s) should be applied before the gauze to prevent irritation to very sensitive skin.

Dosage: 5 to 40 drops one or two times per day internally. Start with 5 drops and increase if necessary. Be sure to use a bowel cleaner such as C.C.E.-W [see Cleansing Corrective Extract] to keep the debris flowing and prevent sick feeling, while Echinacea does its job.

To order the pure herb Echinacea, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Greasewood [Chaparral]

This remedy comes from the American Indian Pharmacopoeia [listing of official Indian medicines]. Greasewood bush has dark, sticky, resinous-filled leaves and stems. It has the distinct taste of telephone poles or creosote, hence its common name Greasewood Bush. It performs a very valuable service as a douche for the female system [20 drops of extract to a cup of water].

Greasewood is most valuable due to the rising widespread use of commercial antibiotics whose use encourages the growth of many types of fungi [funguses], in the body. Jason Winter's Red Clover Tea Blend employs Greasewood aas an agent to dissolve tumors and cancers on the advice of the American Indian. Indeed, of the Indian nations, the Eapoch, Pimas, and Maricopias of the desert southwest have long employed Greasewood to be effective int he following conditions: weight reduction, prostate trouble, skin and stomach cancer, leukemia, cancer, arthritis, warts, chronic backache, bronchitis troubles and to stimulate normal hair growth.

Dosage: 10 to 40 drops one to three times per day depending on severity of condition. Two to three bowel movements per day are recommended, when using Chaparral to complete the cleaning process.

To order this pure herb Greasewood, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



Experienced herbalists consider that both the Tabebuia altissima [purple flowered] and Tabebuia avellanedae [red flowered] varieties should be mixed together for the best possible effects. South American medical doctors proclaim nothing short of miracles for quick relief of pain for cancers of all types as well as their cure within one month in many cases.

Once again, South American Indians made known a tree which they have used for thousands of years to cure their people. The first was the Cinchona tree bark which yields quinine and cures malaria. Lapacho taken as a boiled tea three times per day [one heaping teaspoonful of the bark to make one cup of the tea] is reported to be their method. The extract is possibly many times stronger if made properly.

The chemistry of Lapacho is quite well known to the scientific world. Dr. Frederick Koch, M.D., used substances from the tree bark called quinones during the 1930's in Detroit, Michigan, with astonishing results to cure even advanced cancer cases before going to South America in order to continue his practice. He especially used a single quinone, which he described as oxidizing or burning up the encapsulated pockets of stagnant cancer-causing points.

He reports in this way he was able to provide oxygen for the breath of life to continue for the patient. Lapacho actually has 16 quinones never before discovered together in nature. The jungle Lapacho tree is completely immune to fungus infections unlike other trees. It should not be thought that the limit of Lapacho's abilities are confined to cancer, according to Alec de Montmorency, expert on exotic folk remedies. He has collected medical information during the last 20 years on the use of Lapacho in various South American countries.

He reports the following list of problems that medical doctors using Lapacho have solved: anemia, leukemia, cancer of all types, lupus, inflammation of the reproductive organs, Hodgkin's disease, Parkinson's disease, colitis, arteriosclerosis, gastric problems, leukorrhea, cystits, hemorrhages, prostate inflammation, polyps, psoriasis and eczema.

Dosage: South American information indicates 40 to 80 drops of the extract in a cup of water three to four times per day. 20 drops per day as a preventative.

To order this pure herb Lapacho, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Quack Grass

Quack Grass - Triticum repens, is also known by many other common names such as: dog grass, witch grass, shelly grass, quick grass, twitch grass, knot grass, and dog weed. This is an undistinguished looking, but dependable, valuable wild grass with an unsuspected hint of sweet taste.

Of special interest to herbalists and natural practitioners is the fact that Quack Grass contains a very rich and effective source of the trace element, Selenium. This friendly herbal source of the important trace mineral element, Selenium is used by the body to cause an enzyme [a compound produced by the body which speeds up or slows down the living process without it itself being altered] called glutathione peroxidase [glu'-tuh-thy-own purr'-ox-uh-dase] to stop destructive free radicals [dangerous oxygen compounds formed in the process of living as fat stores are maintained, and from environmental pollution and when fats are fried] from interfering with or causing mutations [defective or enemy cells] during normal cellular division. [Another word to describe what the Selenium in Quack Grass is doing here is the word, antioxidant].

By stopping the formation of defective cells, this immediately suggests the use of Quack Grass to prevent formation of cancerous cells. This explains why earlier herbalists have reported using Quack Grass for such a variety of conditions. Certainly, we know many animals eat Quack Grass when they are sick. Cats eat Quack Grass to throw up hair balls. [No, you do not have to have hair balls to take Quack Grass.]

Quack Grass is used to clean out the bladder and urinary tract. For men, Quack Grass can reduce swelling of the prostate gland. For this purpose, Quack Grass combines especially well with the herb Saw Palmetto. Quack Grass also dissolves the acids which torment joints and kidneys and cause gout.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day. As a maintenance, 40 to 80 drops per day.

To order the pure herb Quack Grass, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


Pumpkin Seed

Pumpkin Seed - Good source for the valuable trace element zinc that builds skin integrity internally and externally, promotes normal wound healing, is needed to insure a strong immune system in developing baby, grows healthy hair and nails and prevents onset of some cancers. Zinc eliminates foot odor in some individuals. One way to determine if a body has a Zinc deficiency, is to look for white spots under the fingernails.

If present and chronic [persistent], then be assured there is a zinc deficiency. Pumpkin Seed is an especially good source of the trace mineral zinc for men especially to promote virility and fertility, maintain proper prostate health and to correct a swollen prostate. One of the first warning signs, for men with prostate problems, is that the urinary flow is slow to start.

Pumpkin Seed is also high in another valuable trace element: namely, selenium. Selenium, being an anti-oxidant, prevents damage from poisons to the body's genetic materials, that are responsible for cell duplication and sex cell reproduction and to prevent cancer cell formation.

Excellent parasite remedy; especially good to rid the body of pin worms, round worms, and tape worms. These problems are far more widespread than most people would ever suspect, even today. Pumpkin Seeds also contain the element Copper that must be and is balanced with its zinc content.

Special note If many baffling symptoms and none of the herbs seem to work, then it is time to de-worm. It is estimated, conservatively, that one out of every two people has one or more infectious parasites -- yes, even in the civilized areas of earth.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day. To rid the body of parasites, 1 tsp. to 1 tbl. each evening with a good bowel cleaner. [See Cascara Sagrada, C.C.E.-W or Buckthorn]. You must be able to flush out what Pumpkin Seed has killed to prevent nausea.

To order the pure herb Pumpkin Seed, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .



Pipsissewa [Pip'-sis-see-wah] - Say it softly and slowly and you will hear, in this American Indian name, the spring rain softly falling on the petals and flowers of this cheerful little spring flower. Use for any of these conditions: burning urine, prostate irritation, mucus in the urine, water retention, lower back pain or pressure [due to the kidneys], sore joints due to gonorrhea, or skin disorders. Many chronic problems, with no seeming cause or cure, may be due to a secondary or primary manifestation of a venereal infection(s), which may or may not have been inherited. In these baffling cases, consider Pipsissewa as a key to open the lock. Pipsissewa is gentle on the stomach. Rub on sore muscles after heavy lifting or on abdomen after childbirth, as needed, to promote comfort.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops three to four times per day. Double this dose in severe cases.

To order the pure herb Pipsissewa, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.

If there is an herb you're interested in that's not listed, please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . There is a natural herb for all conditions of the body and mind.

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