Natural Herbs For Depression Print

Herbs are plant food substances. This is not a scientific definition, it is a practitioners definition. It is used by the people who make recommendations about how to build better health naturally. Herbs have been used since people began eating. They are not new and they were used long before there were people who called themselves doctors or scientists and they worked and they still do.

There is a solution to every physical problem. It was meant to be that way. It is not experimental. Since there are so many physical differences between us, it stands to reason one herb may do more for a certain person than another but do not despair. There is an herb for you too. Often there are many herbs that are especially helpful for you, just waiting, to be discovered.

Luckily when eating an herb if the wrong one is taken, nothing much happens and if you do eat too much of it, body mechanisms usually reject it and you leave it alone.Part of the fun is discovering your herb or herbs and in the process an acquaintance with herbs that help other people is gained.

One of the ways to tell what an herb will do is to taste a little of it. This is much easier to do with a liquid herb than a tablet or a capsule but in any case it should be done before you ask anyone else to try an herb so it will at least be known if what the label says is in the bottle, is in the bottle.

Please accept this offer to build better health naturally. The information was written because you are respected and appreciated, and loved. Someone does care about you and would like to see you well. Herbs are your birthright. Discover yours. - Dr. A.B. Howard

Do you take prescription meds?

Does someone you love take prescription meds?

Did you know prescription meds is the leading cause of death in America?


Cause of death

9/11 terrorist attacks - 2,986 killed

Chernobyl nuclear accident - 4,000 killed

Murders each year - 16,000

Americans killed in Vietnam war - 58,226

Americans killed by Vioxx - 60,000

Americans killed by prescription drugs (each year) - 106,000

Americans killed by conventional medicine (each year) - 783,936

(page 99-112) “How dangerous are prescription drugs, really? The FDA insists they’re safe enough for widespread consumption, even when one drug, all by itself, has killed more Americans than the Vietnam War.

The truth is that the vast majority of prescription drugs are not compatible with human biology. Rather then working to support human biology, they typically attempt to hijack the body’s biochemistry to achieve a desired measurable result, and a silent massacre is enacted on the people.

Source: Natural Health Solutions by Mike Adams
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Borage was known to the ancient Greek and Roman and later, English herbalists, who made frequent use of its valued properties. Aside from being a popular flavoring in cooking and special dishes, Borage has been continually associated with joy in the mind to whomever shall use it, unless you are already so happy you can't notice it. It carries the title of protector of the heart and the reputation of purging (driving) sadness and melancholy from the heart. Its rich storehouse of the easily absorbable minerals: calcium, potassium and various other mineral salts enliven the blood stream and deliver energy to the cells. When you feel well it is difficult to feel sadness. Borage is recognized today as also being an effective remedy for heaviness and discomfort of the chest and throat.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops hourly, as needed. Apply an equal amount to throat and or chest.

To order this natural herb Borage, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


French Vanilla

French vanilla is the most expensive of all the vanilla extracts to produce. Natural vanilla, not synthetic, comes from the seed pod of a wild tropical orchid. Being an excellent aromatic stimulant and tasting very good, it is often added to ice cream for its delightful taste and pleasing aroma. It stimulates sexual activity and is therefore considered to be an aphrodisiac. It calms the nerves and elevates the mood to joyful. Vanilla was used in Mexico by the Aztecs in earlier times as a flavor for a food, allowed only to royalty known as chocolate. French Vanilla can be used in times of anxiety, low grade fever and joint pains.

Dose: 1 to 5 drops taken on the tongue as often as desired and required.

To order this natural herb French Vanilla, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


Licorice Root

Licorice root is sweet, somewhere between 4 to 50 times sweeter than cane sugar without the calories and does not increase thirst. Licorice root can be so sweet, it has a bitter taste unless diluted. It is a specific for low blood sugar symptoms. If a person is not feeling up to par and has a habit of eating white flour products or sugar products, it is safe to assume they would benefit by taking licorice root. Powered licorice held on the tongue and allowed to dissolve coats the throat to relieve sore throat. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used licorice to combat the ravages of stress. When battle troops in the quest to conquer the world experienced stress, this was their mainstay.

People today also experience stress. Licorice root is a remedy for stress, be it from interpersonal relationships, allergies, or lack of energy. Licorice root feeds the energy and hormone manufacturing glands known as the adrenals. As such, they are able to bring the entire system into better balance and promote well-being. When the need occurs for hormones, for either the male or female system, licorice provides the building blocks for the adrenals to make these hormones. This is especially efficacious for women who have had a hysterectomy, to prevent the discomforts of hormone imbalance.

Dosage: 10 to 40 drops three to four times per day under the tongues or on food as a sweetner.

To order this natural herb Licorice Root, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.



The Old English experience states, there is no need to die if sage is in the garden. The strong, aromatic, camphorous ordor along with the warm, mild bitter taste, has made sage a favorite as flavoring for soups and seasonings. Much is made today of hair color, so for those who desire no gray hair, sage with rosemary as a rinse, and taken internally will restore and preserve hair color.

However, with continued use, the hair may be somewhat darker than the original color. Indeed, falling hair loss [where the root is not destroyed] and dandruff can be remedied with teh extract massaged into the scalp.

Sage is a great regulator for sexual activity. Excessive desire, as well as enfeebled ability are both normalized. In taking enough sage internally to care for hair, this side effect of normalized sexual activity may also be noted. As of yet, no complaints have been reported with these oblongata [brain stalk] provides us with remedial action for breathing, heart and blood pressure problems.

For those who use their voice singing or public speaking, sage is a remedy for laryngitis and produces a strong voice. Many recorded cases of periodic depression have been lifted by continued use, as depression can occur in many cases due to physical problems.

Dose: 20 to 40 drops two times per day. As a rinse for the hair, one part extract to four parts water.

To order this natural herb Sage, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.



D.A.N.-C [Depression, Anxiety and Nervousness - Courter]

This combination herb was put together by the practiced herbalist Pat Courter. The herbs contained herein are appreciated in the following manner: Evening Primrose has been found helpful in disorders of the mind, depression, eliminating acids made by tormented nerves, restoring the proper feeling in the area of the solar plexus [abdominal nerve center], and eliminating long-term nerve tension.

Lady's Slipper helps restore an exhausted nervous system, calms nerve centers of the brain, relieves migraines, restores a calm outlook, feeds the medulla oblongata [brain stem], provides energy for the whole nervous system, and thus reverses mental deterioration.

Blue Vervain is naturally tranquilizing and produces an overall feeling of well being. It also finds use in problems with insomnia, increasing circulation to the brain, defusing emotional outbursts, and thus helps to bring about more normal behavior.

Rice Bran is a store house of the B-Complex vitamins, sometimes referred to as the don't go crazy vitamins. These same B-Complex vitamins facilitate strong, steady, sustained energy. Memory and thinking are supported, which promote a harmonious personality and relief from aggravation.

St. John's Wort [Wort is Old English for the word plant] offers relief from clinical depression problems, anxiety attacks, burning nerves, heavy feeling in the head, concussion [severe impact] of the brain, disturbed sleep, and suppressed urine or pus. Horsetail contains the element silicon to build strong nerves and thus serves as an anti-depressant and to prevent convulsions.

Horsetail is observed to strengthen body tissues and to soothe them. Its association with calcium neutralizes nerve acids caused by irritated kidneys. Feverfew relieves anxiety and irritated nerves. It relieves pressure on the brain, loquacity [can't stop talking], alcoholic delirium, shaking disorders of the nervous system, and tension from over excitement.

Indian Tobacco is an antispasmodic [releases muscle cramps, spasms and their agony]. It acts on nerve and respiratory centers to improve oxygenation of the blood, and is a powerful ally that brings relaxation. It is a wonderful catalyst [helps other herbs work better]. For this reason it is often referred to as one of the thinking herbs.

Wormseed restores motor and sensory nerves and conquers the condition of aphasia (speech disorders).

Cudweed is heralded as an organic lithium source, which is useful in bi-polar [high then low without control] depression conditions, and tension of over-excitement.

Universal E.R. [Emotional Remedy] works to relieve moment to moment agitation of the emotions from a number of different directions, much like a safety net. It can also be used to counteract the shock of accidents.

This D.A.N.-C combination includes the following natural herbs: evening primrose, lady’s slipper, blue vervain, rice bran, cudweed, st. john’s wort, horsetail, feverfew, indian tobacco, wormseed, universal E.R.

Dose: For adults, 40 to 80 drops (3) times per day, more if needed. For children: one drop per pound divided into three equal dosages.

To order this natural, combination herb D.A.N.-C., contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.



E.H.-T [Emotional Health-Thompson]

This natural herb blend was put together by Practiced Herbalist, Joan Thompson. This is a new formula for optimal mental and emotional health. Excellent results have been achieved when used for the relief of clinical depression, manic depression, ADD [attention deficit disorder], fibromyalgia, phobias, and stress related problems due to long term illness. This blend is also helpful for sleep disorders, improvement of memory, increased alertness, and stress relief.

Combination: St. John’s Wort, life everlasting, [cudweed], gotu kola, rice bran, lady’s slipper, kava kava.

Dose: Adults: 80 drops in a.m., 40 in afternoon and 40 at bedtime. For children: one drop per pound divided into three equal doses. For infants: use a couple of drops on the soles of the feet and up and down the spine. Results are achieved in three to six weeks so be patient. It is important to maintain blood levels while in treatment. E.H.-T should not be used in conjunction with any other prescription medications for nerves or depression.

To order this natural, combination herb E.H.-T., contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


Ginkgo Combination

Gingko has been clinically tested and findings reveal that long and short term memory are improved. It is also beneficial for a condition known as cerebral vascular insufficiency. It is known to help senility, Alzheimer's, dizziness, headache, lack of vigilance, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, depression, angina, and asthma.

Gotu Kola reduces brain fatigue, and revitalizes worn out bodies. Mental disorders, blood pressure problems, and brain restoring powers have all been contributed to Gotu Kola.

Blessed Thistle is an oxygenator to the brain, heart, lungs, and blood system. This oxygenation helps produce energy and a sense of well being, as memory and body function are aided greatly by proper oxygenation. Blessed Thistle also acts as a catalyst for all other herbs. Bad cells can not exist in an area of good oxygenation.

This combination includes the following natural herbs: gingko, gotu kola and blessed thistle.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops (3) times per day. Children protocol: One drop per pound divided into three equal dosages.

To order this natural herb Ginkgo Combination, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


Kava Kava Combination

Kava Kava is helpful for anxiety, depression and sleeplessness, has a mild tranquilizing effect that helps to relax the mind, clarifies the thought process and soothes the temperature. By relaxing the skeletal muscles, it is helpful for headaches caused by tense neck muscles. Also, it has an anti-spasmodic action that relieves the coughing of whopping cough, and erases the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis. St. John’s Wort is a great nervine used to regenerate nerve tissue, treat depression and stabilize the mood. Nerve problems of all types are helped, including neuralgia, tremors, and anxiety attacks. Gingko has been clinically tested, and findings reveal that long and short term memory are improved, and it is also beneficial for a condition known as cerebral vascular insufficiency. It is known to help senility, Alzheimer's, dizziness, headache, lack of vigilance, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, depression, angina, and asthma. If you are under a lot of stress, feeling overwhelmed, depressed or anxious, then this is the formula for you.

This combination includes the following natural herbs: kava kava, st. john’s wort and gingko.

Dose: 40 to 80 drops (3) times per day. Children per protocol: One drop per pound divided into three equal dosages.

To order this natural herb Kava Kava Combination, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.



N.-W [Nerves] - A complete repair crew for nerve repair and calming of the nerves, at the same it is doing its repair work. Stabilize the nerves and dissolve the tension so you have a chance to deal with the problems. Promotes better coordination and control of the body functions controlled by the brain. Makes emotional tension impossible to hold on to.

This combination includes the following natural herbs: lady's slipper, blue vervain, scullcap, hops and valerian root.

Dose: 10 to 40 drops as needed.

To order this natural, combination herb N.-W., contact

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


R. & S. -W.

R.& S.-W [rest and sleep] The Master promised rest for all those who came unto Him that were heavy laden. Rest and sleep are part of the recuperative process for those who need repair to any area of the body. Physically, rest and sleep are provided for in nature by many of the Creator's gifts. This combination assembles an impressive array of those foods for the nervous system which calm, release tension and repair the nervous system. Of particular benefit is the non-addictive quality of herbs intended for our use. With the proper rest and sleep the world looks a lot friendlier.

This combination includes the following natural herbs:valerian root, blue vervain, lady's slipper, chamomile and scullcap.

Dose:10 to 40 drops, 3 to 4 times per day. Additionally, 10 to 40 drops, ½ hr. before bedtime.

To order this natural, combination herb R. & S. -W, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.


Universal ER's

Universal E.R. [Universal Emotional Remedy] This remedy is composed of rarified plant and wild flower essences. We owe the origin of the preparation and use of these herbs to relieve tormenting emotional states to Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician from the first half of the 20th century. This composite remedy is composed of those elements he found to be effective for many common, undesirable emotional states.

Universal E.R.'s basic support combination is designed as he stated, ... for shock, panic, mental stress and tension, desperation, inattention and unconsciousness.

Universal E.R. contains, in addition to the basic support combination, willow [for] resentment, holly [for] hatred, jealousy, suspicion, crab apple [for] cleansing [emotionally and physically] and honeysuckle [for] dwelling on thoughts of the past."

The history of the origin of these remedies tells us that Dr. Bach put himself through the entire gamut of different emotional torments. He remained in each one of those tormenting states until he was satisfied he had found an exact remedy from the rarified essence of a specific wild flower or plant that pulled him back out of it. He then used these Bach Flower Essences with his patients and got good results. As Dr. Bach's experience grew, he wrote down the procedures for the preparation of his remedies, advised on their use, and freely gave them to the world so others could enjoy their benefits. Dr. Bach's instructions as to the preparation and use of these remedies are very exact. With them goes the expectation and desire of helping others in torment. Because of the rarified nature of these wild flower and plant essences, there is no need to fear an allergic reaction or addiction, and may therefore be freely used by adult and child alike.

This combination includes the following natural herbs: support group, willow, holly, crab apple, honeysuckle.

Dose: Familiarity with Dr. Bach's suggestions indicate taking 3 drops, 4 times per day. A good way to establish this routine is to take them before mealtimes (even if three meals per day are not eaten) and before bedtime. Take on or under tongue or rub into pulse points such as temples, wrist or side of neck. Dr. Bach assured us that the remedies must be taken faithfully, even if the need is not felt. An accumulating affect can be built up in this way, and one day the remedy will no longer be needed.

Note: If an attack of the nerves should occur, put 12 drops in a cup of water or juice and sip slowly until the feeling lifts. If the person is unconscious, then rub the remedy, every few seconds, across the lips until conscious.

To order this natural herb Universal ER's, contact This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Due to FDA regulations regarding food products, Pure Herbs Ltd. has a no return policy.

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