depression, personal, ministry Your Life, Health And Relationships Can Change For The Better


How, you ask? By simply addressing the roots of your life, health and relationship issues. That's what this Web site is about. It's about helping Christians live the abundant life you're entitled to. Because hurting people continue to hurt people, this site provides resources, services and products for Healed People to Heal People.

Life If you address the symptoms of your life, health and relationship issues, they will continue. That's why we prefer to identify the roots, then dismantle them according to biblical principles. Then, the symptoms will eventually go away.

Health Do you know one of the most preferred ways to distract a person? It is to inflict pain, illness or addictions in your physical body. This includes mental illnesses. That's why you’ll find information and products about health, the human body and what the Bible has to say about disease and illness on this site. Inclusive is life-changing information about the biblical roots of disease and illness. Be In Health Global owns this information and is gracious enough to allow it to be shared on this site.

Relationships My goodness, every day we have the opportunity to improve our relationships. The question is do we have the desire, the mental capacity and the willingness to give it another try. The other question is since what we've tried hasn't worked to improve our relationships, what should we do differently? Might we suggest learning how to identify the roots behind the issue -- that is what you can't see with the natural eye.

How We at Healed People, Heal People facilitate the healing process by offering personal ministry, group ministry, consulting, educational teachings and training. Our training was at Restoring The Foundations International, Be In Health Global and Pure Herbs Ltd.

Roots How do we identify the roots of life, health or relationship issues? First, we asses what happened generationally in your life and family; this contributes to your issue. Second, we present what you really believe about yourself, what you really believe about others and what you really believe about God that does not align with the truth of the Bible; this contributes to your issue. And please know that most people rarely know what beliefs they operate out of daily that is contributing to them being trapped in the same life, health and relationship issues. Next, you need to receive healing for who and what has caused pain in your life; this keeps your issue in place.

Joy We've had the privilege of seeing the Holy Spirit positively change lives on every continent using simple, biblical healing and deliverance. Be encouraged to browse the site to participate in the forums, listen to healing music or consider supporting this marketplace ministry. Your life, health, and relationships and can change for the better!


  • adjustment, anxieties, attacks

    Did you know that properly prescribed prescription meds is the number three cause of death in the USA, according to the American Journal of Medicine?

    Natural Herbs for Brusitis

    If you have brusitis, you'll need each of the six Pure Herbs below. Two to four times a day, you'll apply each of the six pure herbs to the respective area on your body. At night before you go to bed, you'll apply pure herb Vitamin E with Selenium and pure herb Ol' Number 11 by putting both liquid herbs on a piece of gauze. You'll then secure the gauze to the respective part of your body using something like saran wrap.

    Rue | Herb no. 1 for Brusitis

    Rue is so valuable was it considered in the Old Testament times, along with Mint, a person could pay their tithe [monetary offering] in Rue or mint. Rue is for strong eyesight. It strengthens the eye muscles. Also esteemed to give one insight. Kills parasites when strewn on the floor or when taken internally.

    Can be rubbed on stings and bites to allay their torment. Wonderful functional aid to the ovaries and uterus to insure regular periods [do not use if pregnant]. Calms anxieties and irrational states brought on by daily strife and worry.

    Used to cure sprains, aching tendons and pain in feet and ankles. Rue works on the cartilage between the bones to remove and prevent deposits. Think Rue for tennis elbows, damaged joints and carpal tunnel syndrome.

    For example, if carpal tunnel syndrome problems [pinched nerve problem at the wrist with resulting soreness, weakness, tenderness and reduced thumb movement], rub Rue on the shoulder, wrist, back of hand and thumb along with Herbal Adjustment and Oil of Cajeput and Arnica.

    Also take internally, A.C.S. [All Cells Salts], 40 drops, 3 times per day for minerals, to prevent cramping. Use Rue to relieve dizziness and glandular enlargements. Relaxes tense shoulder and neck muscles. Corrects whooping cough and croup [alarming raspy breathing]. Apply externally to the troubled area, in quantities needed to cover the area liberally, three or more times per day.

    Dose |Internal use - 5 to 20 drops in water or fruit juice before meals. Children: 1 to 5 drops in water or fruit juice [if whooping cough, every hour while awake]. To strengthen eyes: 10 to 40 drops daily. For falling sickness and all other purposes, 40 drops before meals, diluted in water or fruit juice.

    To order Rue, click here.

    Arnica | Herb no. 2 for Brusitis

    Arnica is for external use only. Excellent first-aid for bruises, sprains, broken bones or concussions. Make several applications externally to the area until relief is felt. This is a very swift remedy.

    An overnight soak can be made for serious cases by putting 40 to 80 drops in ½ cup of water and dampening a cloth or gauze with the solution and covering the injured area. Cover this with plastic sandwich wrap and hold in place with a bandage. Change the dressing once a day and allow the area to dry before reapplying the dressing.

    If the skin is sensitive, then apply Vitamin E with Selenium oil from 100 i.u. capsules prior to the dressing. The area can also be washed between dressings. Be sure to discard old dressings and never reuse. Most sprains respond rapidly and are usually corrected with a single overnight dressing or a simple single external application by rubbing in the drops.

    Arnica can also be used on the pulse points - 5 to 10 drops on each wrist and temple and back of the neck for emotional and physical shocks, upsets, anxiety or when frightened. One to five drops a day reduces cholesterol when rubbed on the pulse points in a similar manner.

    For an excellent sore throat remedy, spray with a spray bottle the sore area, using a mixture of 10 drops of the extract to one tablespoon of water.

    Dose | External use only

    To order Arnica, click here.

    Vitamin E with Selenium | Herb no. 3 for Brusitis

    Vitamin E with Selenium is one of many compounds found normally in foods that is essential for the body. That is to say, the body needs it and can't get along without it.

    What does it do?

    It is now fairly well established that Vitamin E with Selenium acts to make sure all of the structures of the body receive enough oxygen. This is a good idea in order to stay healthy and to rebuild health regardless of what the problem is. When there is enough oxygen, the body can go about its business burning fuel and destroying poisons.

    This is why a list of conditions, which have been observed to be helped by Vitamin E with Selenium, could fill up a closely typed page. Hence, you do find improvement with the health of the blood, hormone levels, the ease with which the heart works, fertility, nerves, eyes, muscle strength, brain, skin, digestion, energy, breathing easier, and just about anything you would care to mention, including the rate at which you age.

    Keep in mind, for Vitamin E with Selenium to do its job properly you must do those other nutritional and life style things that help it to work. It does not operate in a vacuum. This means, make it part of an overall health improvement approach.

    Examples of life style change are: clean the small intestine and bowel so it can be absorbed and moved around, and thus can be pumped through the body. It is a team player and it also needs the rest of the nutritional elements the body requires in order to get the most out of it. The most active form of it is called d-alpha tocopherol by scientists. The most common source for it today, in capsule form, is soy beans.

    Note | Vitamin E with Selenium oil from capsules can be applied externally to areas in need that have trouble absorbing it from the digestive system. It can be applied to skin disturbances, injuries, and burns, to lessen discomfort, speed recovery and minimize scarring.

    | It is not known to be toxic when a person takes it as a supplement to the diet. The question is, how much? Therapeutic doses in scientific literature may range from 40 i.u.  to 4,000 i.u. Of course, anytime you take what is called a therapeutic dose, it is recommended to do so on the advice of your doctor or health care provider.

    Adult dose | 2 capsules per day or as advised by your doctor or health care provider.

    To order Vitamin E with Selenium, click here.

    Ol' Number 11 | Herb no. 4 for Brusitis

    Ol' Number 11 is used to repair or strengthen any type of brain, nerve, flesh, cartilage or muscle injury or weakness. If you cannot work on the area directly, then take Ol' Number 11 internally. 40 to 80 drops, 3 times per day for repair or adding strength to the body. For severe injuries or heavy athletic training, 1 tsp. to 1 tbl., 3 to 4 times per day.

    Additionally, for serious injury, you can work on the area directly. One very successful procedure is as an overnight application. Apply several things directly to the area externally. Apply the herb arnica directly to the skin of the area or around the site to get the physical shock out of the area. In this way, the injury can heal rapidly.

    Next, apply Vitamin E with Selenium from 100 i.u. capsules to improve the action of oxygen for repair and to prevent irritation if very sensitive skin. At this point, apply externally, either peppermint oil or Oil of Cajeput and Herbal Adjustment and then Formula No. 4. This relieves pain and improves the circulation in the area to be repaired. Next, soak a single layer of natural fiber cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with Ol' Number 11.

    Wrap this cloth, soaked with Ol' Number 11, around the injured area and cover it with plastic sandwich wrap. Then, wrap a cloth around all to hold in place for overnight. The next morning, remove the application and discard. Wash the area and allow to dry. [Never reuse the application, as this thermal and moisture barrier application also draws poisons out through the skin, as well as driving the repair herbs internally.]


    Repeat the application procedure for the daytime. Continue with an application for the day and night until well. As an aftershave, to baby the skin and make it smooth and soft, apply a few drops of Arnica followed by a generous amount of Ol' Number 11.

    Combination includes | White oak bark, marshmallow, mullein, mugwort, indian tobacco, scullcap, knitbone, black walnut hull, gravel root

    | For internal use, 40 to 80 drops, after meals and as given above. For external use, soak a cotton ball with Ol' Number 11 and apply to the injury three to four times per day.
    To order Ol' Number 11, click here.

    Oil of Cajeput | Herb no. 5 for Brusitis

    Oil of Cajeput comes to us from the tropics of India and the Molucca Islands of Indonesia. This small tree, or tall bush with drooping limbs, is much like a weeping willow, with multiple layers of paper-like-thin bark.

    Cajeput oil is related, in function, to something called tea tree oil, but the action, and not unpleasing taste of Cajeput, is preferred by a great many herbalists. In spite of its tropical home in a humid, hot environment, the Cajeput tree does not fall prey to fungus or infections because of the antibiotic oil which circulates in its sap [circulatory fluid]. It maintains very good health, thank you.

    This oil can be taken by people for the same purpose. If candida yeast infections are a problem, then mix three to four drops with a little food and eat at each meal. Naturally, to prevent reinfection, drug antibiotics must be eliminated from the diet, as well as meats, where the animals have been fed on antibiotics as part of their diet.

    Another thing to consider, is possible reinfection where the yeast problem would be traded back and forth. In this respect, sexual partners must exercise care to prevent reinfection.

    *A bowel program is also a must to eliminate the bowel residues which play host to, and furnish a convenient home base for the yeast to retreat to or attack from. If a cold or the flu, sprinkle a few drops of Oil of Cajeput on a handkerchief or tissue and breathe deeply, as needed, to keep nostrils open.

    To open stopped up sinuses immediately, put one drop of Oil of Cajeput in one half cup of water [distilled is best] and irrigate the nose, lean the head back and sniff several drops through the nose into the throat. An eyedropper is a good aid to this procedure. In cases of flu, fever, tight chest and or laryngitis, place one to two drops directly on the tongue and apply several drops to the throat and chest area.

    Cover up and sweat the mucus loose as the oil penetrates and breaks up the infected mucus. You may cough up mucus as tough as tire treads, but you will be well in a very short time. Oil of Cajeput is a pain reliever if sinus blockages or headaches occur. Apply the oil to the painful area and the pain leaves.

    The same can be done for toothaches or tooth abscesses, to clean them. Place one drop of the oil on a cotton ball and lay between the gums and cheek and leave there until relief. For external sores and abscesses that just won't heal, mix one part Oil of Cajeput with three parts olive oil, place on gauze and lay over the area.

    The area will slough off diseased tissue and build healthy, pink, repaired tissue in short order. For relief of swollen breast(s) due to congestion, apply full strength to breast(s) externally as needed.

    For boils and carbuncles [multiple boils involving an area], generously rub the Oil of Cajeput directly on the area. The oil will penetrate at once and relieve the pain, and mix with the purulent [pus] material and push it out or dissolve it.

    Oil of Cajeput is very handy to have around the house for ordinary cuts and scrapes, as well as, serious cuts and gashes. In these cases apply, as needed, full strength to heal without a scar and prevent infection. You need not medically wash the area and cause more pain. Just apply, or let drip on, the Oil of Cajeput.

    Swellings around the toenails or fingernails are repaired by a few drops directly applied. Ringworm and external fungus infection, such as athletes foot, are also quickly dispatched by Cajeput. If dryness occurs in the area where Oil of Cajeput is used, also apply oil from 100 units vitamin E capsules.

    If head lice, mix one part Oil of Cajeput with three parts of olive oil and apply to the scalp. Leave on overnight and shampoo next morning. Repeat each evening until free of lice. Then, 10 days after free of lice, repeat process to kill any remaining lice or hatched eggs. In cases of colitis problems with hemorrhages, apply 80 drops of Cajeput oil, three times per day to the abdominal area.

    When erosion of the cervix occurs, douche daily with 5 drops of Cajeput in one cup of distilled water. The same mixture can be used as a vaginal douche for gonorrhea. Impatigo [a highly infectious rash of yellow, pus-filled skin blisters] can be fully corrected in a short time by direct applications. Oil of Cajeput is truly a potent weapon among our herbal resources for building better health naturally.

    Dose | As given above. For mosquito and insect bites, apply directly to the area. To repel mosquitoes, apply externally to exposed area. Do not get in the eyes. If this happens accidentally, flush with water.

    To order Oil of Cajeput, click here.

    Herbal Adjustment | Herb no. 6 for Brusitis

    Herbal Adjustment is a quick acting dramatically effective procedure for relief of headaches, leg cramps, menstrual cramping, arthritic discomfort, sports injuries, back discomfort, neck and shoulder tension, heart attacks, strokes and internal bleeding. For relief of pain and cramping two liquids are applied to the skin, one is peppermint oil which is cool and the second is a combination of herbs known as Herbal Adjustment which is hot . The peppermint oil is applied first and the Herbal Adjustment second.

    The procedure of using these two liquids together is called an Herbal Adjustment. In some cases, as given here, Herbal Adjustment is also taken internally and will be described individually. This procedure will not interfere with medication and will not make a person groggy. Needles and injections are not used.

    Headaches and tension
    For headaches, first apply peppermint oil from the tip of the tailbone, up the spine, and on to the neck and the back of the head, on the scalp, and on up to the top of the head. Make the application about the width of the person's hand. Next, apply the two liquids to the temples and forehead. Have the person lean the head back so as to avoid getting any of the liquids in the eyes. [Should an accident occur, flush thoroughly with water, remain calm and peace will return.]

    Also apply to any additional areas of the head which are hurting. Finally, apply in front of and behind the ears, down the neck on both sides and out to the shoulders. This complete application will have an effect on the entire nervous system of the body. The affects are quick and relief is swift. Repeat as needed.

    For additional help, if needed, put 40 to 80 drops of Herbal Adjustment in a cup of water and drink it down. Do not sip as it is hot and best to get it over with as soon as possible. If a mild headache is in progress, usually an application of the two liquids to the temples, forehead and back of the neck are all that is needed for headache relief.

    Chiropractic Adjustments
    The Herbal Adjustment liquids penetrate quickly into troubled areas. After application the liquids at once relax the nerves and muscles, which then allows the bones to go back into their proper places and the circulation resumes its normal function. In this way oxygenation and relaxation of cramping muscle pain is alleviated.

    The Herbal Adjustment liquids may be applied several times in extreme conditions and then repeated as needed. Do not get into eyes, and wash hands after application. Application before a chiropractic adjustment makes for a very easy and quick adjustment. It will be noted the adjustment is speeded up and sticks [stays in place] far longer.

    Arthritic discomforts
    For arthritic discomforts the two liquids are applied to the area as needed.

    Cramping and menstrual cramping
    If cramping or menstrual cramping, apply the two liquids directly to the offending area. If additional help is needed put 40 drops of the combination Herbal Adjustment in a cup of water and drink it. [Herbal Adjustment will not stop a normal menstrual flow as it is a natural bleeding.] Repeat as necessary.

    Heart attacks, strokes and internal bleeding
    To stop a heart attack, stroke or internal bleeding put 40 to 80 drops of the Herbal Adjustment in a cup of water and drink it. Also, apply to chest and neck or area(s) of bleeding. Repeat as needed. If stress is great and a heart attack is a real possibility while you are trying to repair the heart with other herbs such as myrrh and mullein, [and or others, see: Historical Uses of Herbs at the beginning of this work] use Herbal Adjustment to keep yourself alive during the process even if it takes months. Lives have been saved by doing this.

    Liver spots or age spots, as they are also called, dissolve easily with the continued daily application of Herbal Adjustment on the spots. Please consider that in some way, the body is not functioning as it should or these liver spots or waste dumps of concentrated pigment, would not have appeared in the first place. If they do occur again, then think in terms of improving overall health as needed, such as digestion and bowel elimination, to start with.

    For suggestions consult the Historical Uses of Herbs in the front of this work. [Remember to follow the advice about not rubbing your eyes after application of Herbal Adjustment or bringing Herbal Adjustment into contact with private areas. If an accident, then follow the advice as given earlier in this topic.]

    Skin cancers
    It must be observed, to be truly appreciated, how the daily and persistent application of Herbal Adjustment externally to skin cancers, dries them up, causes them to fall off and leave healthy, pink skin in their place. This process can take as little as a matter of days or two weeks and, in some cases, up to six and nine months or more, but it does work.

    It is suspected that when Herbal Adjustment takes so long to do its job, that it is working on a problem much deeper inside the body, of long standing, and you are working on something more than just skin deep. Nevertheless, praise the Creator, it does work.

    Persistence is the key here, no matter what, continue the application at least once per day and for more desperate conditions, three and four times per day until results. Before you heal anything you usually have to slow the condition down and then stabilize it. Then reversal can take place. But, in the meantime, you are not getting any worse and that is a kind of victory too.

    Many practitioners also use Vitamin E with Selenium oil from capsule(s) on the area first and then apply Herbal Adjustment on top of that. This reduces any possible irritation and assists in repairing the area more quickly, with the prevention of any possible scar tissue.

    Sports injuries
    For sports injuries such as sprains, twists, bumps, bruises, torn tendons, ligaments, etc., apply Arnica to the area to take the physical shock out of the nerves, then peppermint oil and then Herbal Adjustment to the area for relief of pain and to correct the circulation. Then, apply the repair formula Ol' Number 11 to start the repair process.

    This is done as soon after the injury as possible. Repeat every three to four hours as needed. However, it should not be thought that this procedure will not tackle chronic and old injuries with equal determination, because it will. The night procedure for sports injuries is to open capsules of 100 i.u. of Vitamin E with Selenium and apply the oil to the injured area.

    Then, soak a natural fiber cheese cloth or gauze with the repair formula Ol' Number11 and wrap the area with the cloth. The larger the wrap, the greater and quicker the affect. Wrap this then with plastic sandwich wrap, and an additional cloth wrap around this, to hold everything in place for the night. This procedure forms a thermal and moisture barrier, to drive the herbs into the area and pull poisons out, in a time-release action during the night.

    The herbs are driven into the body, congestion is broken up, swelling reduced and function restored. There is a two-way traffic flow here. Herbs are pushed into the body area and poisons are pulled up and sweated out of the body at the same time. The next morning remove the application and discard the herbal cloth as it is spent and contains poisons. Wash the area and allow to dry.

    Note |This process of applying an herbal tea or herbal extract to the body soaked in cloth is know as a fomentation. For the daytime, apply the herb Arnica, Peppermint Oil and Herbal Adjustment every three to four hours. Repeat this daytime and nighttime process until the area is repaired.

    Lower high blood pressure
    To lower dangerously high blood pressure, put 40 to 80 drops of Herbal Adjustment and 40 to 80 drops of Golden Bough in a cup of water and drink it. Repeat as needed.

    Herbal Adjustment combination includes the following herbs |Black cohosh, blue vervain, capsicum, indian tobacco, siberian ginseng.

    Dose | As given in the above work. Additionally, Herbal Adjustment can be given as part of a daily herb regimen, to spark an herbal program and get it to work, at the rate of 40 drops in a cup of water, 1 - 4 times per day.

    Note: Just the Herbal Adjustment combination is put in water to make the drink. If a peppermint tea is desired, only 1 - 2 drops of the oil to a cup of water makes a good tea.

    Chiropractic physicians
    When the area to be adjusted is too tense for the needed procedure, peppermint oil and Herbal Adjustment applied to the spine, neck and shoulders rapidly relaxes the areas. Then, minimal pressure is required to achieve remarkable results.

    Massage therapists
    Peppermint Oil and Herbal Adjustment applied to tense areas of the spine, neck, shoulder and other areas [avoid eyes, under arm and private areas] produce a warming and relaxing effect which makes therapeutic massage a very rewarding experience.

    General note
    | If for some reason a person should have an allergic reaction to peppermint oil, [if there is one, it is usually confined to temporary redness of the skin] many practitioners enjoy the use of Oil of Cajeput in its place.

    To order Herbal Adjustment, click here.

    If there is an herb you're interested in or a physical or emotional issue you're having, click here to find a Pure Herb for it. There is a natural herb for all conditions of the body and mind.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this Healed People, Heal People article. There are regular updates of information to enrich your life and the lives of those you love. If you're not a member of this Healed People, Heal People online community, we encourage you to join for free here.


  • kimdaniels

    The Danger of Celebrating Halloween
    by Kim Daniels

    Halloween—October 31—is considered a holiday in the United States. In fact, it rivals Christmas with regard to how widely celebrated it is. Stores that sell only Halloween-related paraphernalia open up a few months before the day and close shortly after it ends. But is Halloween a holiday that Christians should be observing?

    The word holiday means holy day. But there is nothing holy about Halloween. The root word of Halloween is hallow, which means holy, consecrated and set apart for service. If this holiday is hallowed, whose service is it set apart for? The answer to that question is very easy—Lucifer's!

    Lucifer is a part of the demonic godhead. Remember, everything God has, the devil has a counterfeit. Halloween is a counterfeit holy day that is dedicated to celebrating the demonic trinity of: the Luciferian Spirit [the false father]; the Antichrist Spirit [the false holy spirit]; and the Spirit of Belial [the false son].

    The key word in discussing Halloween is dedicated. It is dedicated to darkness and is an accursed season. During Halloween, time-released curses are always loosed. A time-released curse is a period that has been set aside to release demonic activity and to ensnare souls in great measure.

    You may ask, Doesn't God have more power than the devil? Yes, but He has given that power to us. If we do not walk in it, we will become the devil's prey. Witchcraft works through dirty hearts and wrong spirits.

    During this period demons are assigned against those who participate in the rituals and festivities. These demons are automatically drawn to the fetishes that open doors for them to come into the lives of human beings. For example, most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches.

    I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.

    Even the colors of Halloween [orange, brown and dark red] are dedicated. These colors are connected to the fall equinox, which is around the 20th or 21st of September each year and is sometimes called Mabon. During this season witches are celebrating the changing of the seasons from summer to fall. They give praise to the gods for the demonic harvest. They pray to the gods of the elements [air, fire, water and earth].

    Mother earth is highly celebrated during the fall demonic harvest. Witches praise mother earth by bringing her fruits, nuts and herbs. Demons are loosed during these acts of worship. When nice church folk lay out their pumpkins on the church lawn, fill their baskets with nuts and herbs, and fire up their bonfires, the demons get busy. They have no respect for the church grounds. They respect only the sacrifice and do not care if it comes from believers or non-believers.

    Gathering around bonfires is a common practice in pagan worship. As I remember, the bonfires that I attended during homecoming week when I was in high school were always in the fall. I am amazed at how we ignorantly participate in pagan, occult rituals.

    The gods of harvest that the witches worship during their fall festivals are the Corn King and the Harvest Lord. The devil is too stupid to understand that Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest 365 days a year. But we cannot be ignorant of the devices of the enemy. When we pray, we bind the powers of the strong men that people involved in the occult worship.

    Halloween is much more than a holiday filled with fun and tricks or treats. It is a time for the gathering of evil that masquerades behind the fictitious characters of Dracula, werewolves, mummies and witches on brooms. The truth is that these demons that have been presented as scary cartoons actually exist. I have prayed for witches who are addicted to drinking blood and howling at the moon.

    While the lukewarm and ignorant think of these customs as just harmless fun, the vortexes of hell are releasing new assignments against souls. Witches take pride in laughing at the ignorance of natural men [those who ignore the spirit realm].

    Decorating buildings with Halloween scenes, dressing up for parties, going door-to-door for candy, standing around bonfires and highlighting pumpkin patches are all acts rooted in entertaining familiar spirits. All these activities are demonic and have occult roots.

    The word occult means secret. The danger of Halloween is not in the scary things we see but in the secret, wicked, cruel activities that go on behind the scenes. These activities include:

    * Sex with demons
    * Orgies between animals and humans
    * Animal and human sacrifices
    * Sacrificing babies to shed innocent blood
    * Rape and molestation of adults, children and babies
    * Revel nights
    * Conjuring of demons and casting of spells
    * Release of time-released curses against the innocent and the ignorant.

    Another abomination that goes on behind the scenes of Halloween is necromancy, or communication with the dead. Séances and contacting spirit guides are very popular on Halloween, so there is a lot of darkness lurking in the air.

    However, Ephesians 1:19-21 speaks of the authority of the believer and the exceeding greatness of God's power in us [the same power that raised Christ from the dead]. It goes on to say that that Jesus is seated in heavenly places far above all principalities, power, might, dominions and every name that is named. The good news is that because we are seated in heavenly places with Jesus, the same demonic activity that is under His feet is under our feet, too!

    People who worship the devil continue to attempt to lift him up. But he has already been cast out and down! Many are blinded to this fact, but the day will come when all will know he has been defeated once and for all.

    When we accept Jesus but refuse to renounce Satan and his practices, we are neither hot nor cold but lukewarm—and the Word says that God will spit us out of His mouth. The problem with lukewarm is that it attempts to mix the things of the devil with the things of God. It is God's desire that we serve Him alone.

    Second Corinthians 6:15 asks the question, And what agreement has Christ with Belial? As believers, we need to answer that question in our hearts. We must avoid the very appearance of evil. I would not want a demon spirit to mistake me for an occult worshiper.

    There is no doubt in my heart that God is not calling us to replace fall festivals and Halloween activities; rather, He wants us to utterly destroy the deeds of this season. If you or your family members have opened the door to any curses that are released during the demonic fall festivals, renounce them and repent. I already have. Then declare with me: As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!

    About the author | Kimberly Daniels is a sought-after conference speaker and preacher. She is the founder of Kimberly Daniels Ministries International [], Spoken Word Ministries—the church she pastors in Jacksonville, Florida, with her husband, Ardell—A Child of the King Learning Center and Word Bible College. Kim is a recognized prophetic voice as well as the author of several books, including her most recent, Prayers that Bring Change [Charisma House].

    Thank you for taking your time to read this article on Healed People, Heal People. If you are not a member of this online community, we invite you to join for free here. If you know other Christian parents who would benefit from this site and article, please send them the link to this article. As a member of the Web site, you'll receive regular updates of encouragement.


  • dontcare
    I ask you to secure yourself with a Holy Spirit seat belt as you, the reader, and I have dialogue throughout this blog. Why am I even writing this today, July 2, 2009? My heart is heavy; I’m so very saddened by the choices of a few specific people I deeply care for.

    But we all have free choice, right, even as Christians. And along with our free choices, comes the free consequences whether good or bad for each and every choice each of us makes.

    I’m sure you identify with my feelings, right? You want the absolute best, which is God’s best, for those you love and they choose repeated choices that lead to bondage, which they call, “but I’m happy.”

    I’m left with the following questions and thoughts that have been pounding in my brain like a sledge hammer since 7 am during my daily morning 5.14 mile walk.

    Question 1
    Lord, I say I love you because that’s the politically-correct Christian thing to say, but I’m really consumed with myself and what makes me happy? You come somewhere down the line Lord; I gotta take care of me – no one else will.

    Question 2
    Lord, why isn’t the following question a part of my daily, mental grid as a Christian. What decision for my life would please You today Lord that aligns with Your biblical principles?

    Question 3
    Am I really that selfish Lord that my choices, my actions don’t even take into consideration what’s best for me [according to Your will] or my child/children. Wow Lord – I must really be hurting deeply and even living detached from my family to forsake what’s best for them and I’ve been entrusted to be a steward over them.

    Thought 1
    I really don’t know how to deal with the quiet, subliminal pain inside, so I gotta do something daily or weekly to distract me from me. I call it – making myself happy. Satan rejoices because he calls it – gotcha.

    Thought 2
    Why do I keep repeating actions and choices that I know aren’t good for me Lord? Aahh, I did it again. Although I’ve not wanted to call it what it is, I have some percentage of self hatred operating in my life. What else could explain the choices I make and the choices others that I love make that do not lead to the abundant life You promised for me or them?

    Lord, Why Don't I Care How You Feel … What Make You Happy

    Now, Beloved reader, where did all of this start? Allow me to share a few things that have saddened my heart.

    A divorced, single parent gets pregnant two more times by the new person they are seeing.
    The person is Christian, smart, attractive and educated.
    The divorced parent chooses to allow the new person they are dating to move into their home.
    The divorced parent has a child in elementary school.
    They plan to marry someday.

    A single person who was molested as a child has a senior leadership position in a church.
    This person has received Holy Spirit healing for this strategy that was planned very early by the demonic for their life.
    This single person lives with another single person in their local church who is also in a leadership position.
    The head leader of the church remains quiet.

    Ty Adams has written a new book that I’ve not read.
    From what I understand it addresses the rampant sexual immorality in the body of Christ.
    Any person, in this case, Ty Adams, who chooses to state the Lord’s unwavering, uncompromised standards in 2009 loves the Lord and chooses The Truth.

    The fact that people are forgetting that Michael Jackson was a human, a son, a father, a friend, a brother, a uncle and a child of the Lord – saddens me. Many throughout the world are mourning and grieving including me. There’s been an utter disrespect to his family that he is loved globally and this time of bereavement is to be respected for any human being. In America, we have a court system and the court found him not guilty. In our democracy, this is where it ends. The establishment of government is biblical, even though there are many shortcomings.

    Daily I listen to the media, interact with Christians, listen to Internet radio, read letters from a federal prisoner who writes me, look at Oprah’s talk show sporadically and look at award shows on tv – it’s devastatingly apparent, don’t nobody hardly give a flipping care about – what the Lord thinks, what makes the Lord happy, what pleases the Lord.

    Beloved reader, it breaks my heart – need I say more. The witness of every Christian is a combination of our conversation, character and conduct. And to be direct with you here, actions still speak louder than words. Folks, including many Christians, simply don’t give a rat’s patuddy about what the Lord thinks.

    Lord, Why Don't I Care How You Feel … What Makes You Happy

    Well, let me offer a few answers to the questions and thoughts I’ve posed above. What is the basis on the responses I’m getting ready to share with you?

    The principles, covenants, commandments, contingencies, prophecies and the universal law of reaping and sowing in the Bible;
    My experience in healing and deliverance; and, my colleagues experience globally in in healing and deliverance.

    Those we love in our life hurt deeply.
    They hurt so much more than they’ll ever share with you.

    Let’s quickly look at one common coping mechanism of Christians. I’ll keep myself surrounded with middle-of-the-road Christians that way I don’t feel so bad about my public and private choices.

    A wise Christian once imparted to me, your left hand should be outstretched upwards for those who are where you want to be are pulling you upwards. Your right hand is outstretched downwards, and you are pulling those who desire to be where you are at. There’s a small inner circle of people who should surround you.

    Your inner circle are those appointed by the Holy Spirit who actively participate in having their own lives healed and who strategically sow the following in your life -- support, counsel, advocate, a regular lover of the Word of God and they hold you accountable in a loving Christ-like manner.

    Many Christians are so weak, they continue to relish in the world’s standards. Why are many Christians weak? Would you consider taking a survey from seven people you know well by the end of this week? Ask how much time they spent daily in the past seven days with the Lord including study, meditation and fasting [fasting is a regular part of the Christian lifestyle].

    Quite simply, strength comes from the Holy Spirit and His Word. Making Godly choices comes from having God’s perspective mapped in your heart and mind. There are only four ways I know to achieve this that humans can employ – read, listen, write and recite.

    I heard someone pray earlier this year for God to release a person from the consequences of having committed adultery. My spirit quickened and the scripture God is not a respector of people popped in my mind like red neon lights. The ways, character and attributes of the Holy Spirit are like a two-sided coin, a penny for example. On one side there’s love, grace and mercy and on the other side of this same coin is justice, judgment and wrath. It still baffles me why Christians do not equally teach about this other side of God.

    The main issue with interacting with God as only having one side is we are then engaging in a game of Russian roulette. Because the Holy Spirit is gracious, doesn’t mean He’s foolish. And the Lord specifically determines for each of us the day and what will be the last time He’ll extend his grace and mercy in a first time or repeated choice we continue to make.

    The operating of generational curses are so real and active in Christians lives that many Christians simply don’t identify the daily and weekly manifestations of these generational curses as what they truly are. For example, someone shares they’ve had repeated extra-marital affairs in a casual conversation.

    This same person on another day mentions their child had a sleepover and overheard the very young children saying, “I’m going to _uck you to death.” The same person says casually on another week that their mother has had a life of promiscuity. This same person shares in yet another week casually that their cousins engage in bisexual relationships. This same person says, “You know what, I just remember that my grandmother was molested too like I was.”

    Beloved reader, I counted four generations of sexual immorality as I listened in the spirit to these casual conversations that took place over a number of weeks. These are not merely choices of each person. There is a BONA FIDE generational curse of sexual immorality rampant in this family line that can easily be broken in less than 30 minutes. I pray that if you see repetition in your life or your family’s life – learn, study, examine and break each generational curse and command the respective demons assigned to EACH CURSE operating in your life to leave.

    Lord, Why Don't I Care How You Feel … What Makes you Happy

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue looking at the person just a little bit longer than I should?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I take my personal issues out on those who report to me?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I secretly deny sexism and racism in my heart although my consistent actions and thoughts reveal this truth?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I envy those in my church who You've blessed more than me; I'm wrongly comparing Lord?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I allow the person I'm not married to to spend the night and I use anything to justify my actions?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I wrongly classify personal expenses as business expenses?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I pretend to celebrate others, but my heart is reeked with jealousy?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue to proclaim I'm a Christian and not speak up when I should?
    Will You deny me and not speak up for me Lord like I do You?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I enable my family members and call it love? Love does not enable.

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I create co-dependency for my own adult children and call it love? Love does not operate in the same space as co-dependency.

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue to live a life without godly boundaries? So, I'm not a good steward of my life and my time so I don't achieve what You've directed and ordained.

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue to take anxiety and nerve medications that abuse my body instead of being responsible to deal with my life issues now?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I shine the light of my spouse's imperfections when my spouse is a direct reflection of me?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue to masturbate?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I continue to steal from my job, my family and steal from You in ways that I try to justify?

    Why don't I care Lord about how You feel when I rarely keep my word with any person? You have always honored words Lord and I am to be an ever-becoming spotless representation of You.


    Holy Spirit, I give you permission to do heart surgery on my heart?

    Why Lord, do I choose to give you this permission?

    Because what saddens You, I want to sadden me since I'm choosing to work on being more like You as one of Your devoted followers.

    Why Lord, do I choose to give you this permission to do heart surgery on my heart?

    Because what please You Lord, I want to please me.

    Change my heart, soften it where it needs softening.

    Remove from it the ills and worldly vices that I've become to familiar with.

    Create in me a clean heart, O Lord, I choose You and make my heart most sensitive to Your ways, Your principles in my life.

    In the name of Jesus, I pray, I expect and I thank you.

    If you're not a member, you're invited to join this Web community for free, Thank you for taking your time to read why Don't I Care How You Feel ... and please post your comments below if you'd like to share your thoughts.


  • itchears
    Psalm 118:8

    It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Help me sweet Jesus to write this article. Okay, beloved readers, a part of this Healed People, Heal People community. Why am I stammering at the keys on my keyboard today? The Holy Spirit taught me a lesson about 10 years ago that I will never forget. It’s about s-o-m-e people, good people, Christian people, loving people, those who love you, those who surround you on a regular basis, or those who may even be in your corner.

    Psalm 118:8 declares it's better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man.

    Okay, here goes.

    We all have churches that are headed by pastors and leadership teams.

    We all have family members, some of which we love, some we don’t care for too much – and some we just can’t stand [sorry, but it’s a reality for some].

    We all have confidantes.

    We all have those fun-to-hang-out with partners.

    We all have those let-your-hair-down with friends.

    We all have those kicking-it with buddies.

    And we even have those select Christian people we like being around who will not check us when we are clearly stepping outside of the boundaries and principles of the Lord.

    We even have accountability people -- we still have a choice in how much we disclose to them.

    We all had or have secrets, some are not-so-big secrets, some are closet secrets, some are in-the-dark secrets, some are go-to-your-grave secrets, some secrets just cripple the hell out of you.

    You decide what you do with your secrets. I can tell you this, the Lord never intended for us to carry the internal weight of the secrets. Many of our illnesses come from keeping secrets. Some of our constant mind racing comes from not being able to still the secrets.

    Much of depression spurs from buckling secrets that people try to keep the lid shut down on. Many of your spiraling urges come from trying to holster your secrets. Many things we do to escape, including sleep, is to not deal with the harshness of our reality -- the secrets, the impending, unnecessary, illegitimate weights.

    We all have those ride-and-die friends – no matter what, these friends will be there for us. Make no mistake about it, this is an extremely short of list people – it may even be one person – it may only be the Lord Himself.

    But, beloved readers, you know what our Lord taught me 10 years ago that I’ve n-e-v-e-r forgotten?

    Don't ever put anyone's word, advice, counsel, approval, consent, guidance or direction above what I say, says the Lord.

    This was a very hard lesson for me to learn and live by.


    Because some of those Christians who loved me, then, and still love me, now, gave me advice, counsel, guidance – that didn’t line up with the Word of God.

    Did they love the Lord and do they love the Lord? Yes, these Christians did and do love the Lord.

    Did I own a Bible? Yes, I did own a Bible, then, and; yes, I do own several Bibles now.

    Did I know the Word? Yes, I knew the Word and; yes, I know even more Word now.

    Did a little flicker go off inside of me when these loving Christians told me what I wanted to hear? Yes, the Holy Spirit pushed that flicker button inside of me. But, I knew what some of the loving Christians said to me over the years did not line up with the Word. [I'm not being sarcastic when I use the words loving Christians; I'm sincere.]

    They padded their advice, lined their counsel and justified it with scripture – I think the Bible calls this itching ears, on my part. And let's mention this, there are a lot of Christians, even Christians in leadership positions, who are so wounded they believe life's experiences more than they believe the Word of God. And accordingly, they give advice, counsel, approval, direction based on experience. It's your responsibility to know the Word for your life. It's your responsibility to know when scriptures are being misaligned.

    Now, what each of us reading this article knows, is that we tell people, even Christians exactly what we want them to know. An ole' pastor once told me, it’s just human nature to do this – tell folk o-n-l-y what you want them to know.

    Beloved reader, do you disclose every single, slither of information to the people you’re seeking input from? I’ll leave that for you to answer.

    I always flinch, in particular, when Christians say, “Follow your heart.”

    Excuse me, beloved readers, I am not trying to be disrespectful, but that statement above is just plain dumb.

    “Follow your heart.”

    Do you know when I graduated from undergrad, I did a Bible study for two years just dealing with the different conditions of the human Christian heart.

    You know what’s an even better question, beloved reader, Do you know what’s in your heart?

    If so, how do you know what's in your heart? What have you done about the contents of your heart?

    How often do you inspect your heart?

    How often do you present your heart to the Holy Spirit?

    Do you know what to do once the Holy Spirit has revealed the contents of your heart?

    Well – I offer several versions of the scripture below.

    Jeremiah 17:9 [NIV]
    The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?

    Jeremiah 17:9 [NASB]
    The heart is more deceitful than all else, And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?

    Jeremiah 17:9 [KJB]
    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Jeremiah 17:9 [AKJV]
    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Jeremiah 17:9 [ASV]
    The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly corrupt: who can know it?

    Jeremiah 17:9 [Bible in Basic English]
    The heart is a twisted thing, not to be searched out by man: who is able to have knowledge of it?

    So, beloved reader, help me understand again why so many people, especially Christians, throw out the statement so casually, “Follow your heart,” or “I just follow my heart.”

    I’m choosing to believe based on the Word of God and based on my experience in integrated healing and deliverance and based on the experience of veterans in the ministry of integrated healing and deliverance – that people, Christians, are simply making this statement, “follow your heart,” out of ignorance.

    I used to wrestle with the following questions when I really respected and esteemed some Christians who gave me counsel. Now keep in mind these were internal thoughts I had in my mind about these Christians. I am still in relationship with the majority of these Christians.

    Thoughts I had after receiving advice, counsel, direction from some respected Christians

    - but, look at their position in the community, they are so visible
    - but, look at how much they study the Word of God
    - but, look at their leadership position in the church
    - but, look at how much influence they have
    - wow, I really need to stay in their good graces, they can help me
    - but, they seem to be pretty close to the Lord, do what they say
    - I know they wouldn’t tell me wrong, I’ll do what they say
    - but, look at their walk with the Lord [what’s visible to me]

    Beloved reader, what I have painfully learned from our Lord is this scripture, It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Psalm 118:8

    Why do I use the phrase painfully learned? Because I had to go around the darn mountain over and over – I sound like the Israelites, right? The first time I realized the advice from the respected, respective Christians landed me in hot water, why didn’t I confess to the Holy Spirit, I’m sorry for not listening to Your whisper in my ear.”

    Each time, beloved reader, I remember the Holy Spirit placing that little flicker inside of me saying, ”That’s not the way to go;” “Don’t ignore Me.” But I yielded again and again, beloved reader, because I respected Christian people more than I esteemed the Word of God. These respective, respected Christians said what I wanted to hear and what they said aligned with my desires, my will -- a recipe for impending disaster.

    Now, in Psalm 118:8 the end of the scripture says, … than to put confidence in man.

    Well, who is man?
    Man is any human being breathing who is in your life, male or female.
    Man is any human being, Christian or non-Christian.
    Man is any human being in any income level.
    Man is any human being on any status level.
    Man is any human being in every rank of the Christian church.
    Man is any human being in your family.
    Man is any human being who is your friend.

    The beginning of Psalm 118:8 says It is better to trust in the Lord …

    Yall, I’m literally b-e-g-g-i-n-g you, trust the Lord.
    If you don’t know how to trust Him, just tell Him, He already knows.
    If you’re scared to trust Him in an area of your life, just tell Him, He already knows.
    Wherever you’re deficient in trust, ask Him to build that in you for you since you’re not able to do so.
    If you’ve not dealt with the issues preventing you from trusting the Lord, would you consider asking the Holy Spirit to reveal these things to you.
    Would you consider receiving ministry for integrated approach to healing and deliverance for these issues?
    So, you can experience freedom in this or these areas of your life.

    Don’t have itching ears like I did; ask the Holy Spirit to remove your itching ears.
    The Holy Spirit knows that we all have desires and dreams and wills.
    He truly has better plans for us than we’re able to muster up for ourselves.
    His plans for you don’t even involve manipulation and maneuvering and dodging.

    Yall, I guess by now, you know I’m a born and breed [USA] southerner – that’s fine.
    Let's ask the Holy Spirit to reveal our spiritual blind spots.
    Let's ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the areas of our lives we’re in denial about.
    Let's ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas in our lives where there may be self hatred.
    Then when He reveals, please, please, take action to do something about it.
    If you don’t know what to do, I’m willing to find a resource to help you, if I can’t.

    Yall, I understand that you may not disclose everything to people, but please, don’t lie to yourself. You desire the abundant life the Lord speaks of so often in scripture, right? Well, the abundant life is short circuited when we choose to do the following things:

    - pretend you don’t know the Holy Spirit is nudging you
    - cut corners to try to get what you want
    - only disclose so much information and purposely conceal other pertinent information to those you seek counsel from
    - you choose to turn a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit
    - you choose to forget that some blessings and some promises of the Lord are conditional; Have you met the
    condition(s) without compromising?
    - wrongly use scripture, people, situations, [conditional] prophecy to justify something you want
    Please remember that satan and his demons have strategy too for your life.
    And his strategy is presented very nicely, not in a questionable fashion.

    Whatever word, advice, counsel, approval, consent, guidance or direction you receive, even from Christians, put it before the Lord, please, before moving forward. And wait for His confirmation or His denial and His instructions.

    Now, let me share this with you. I know the respective Christians throughout the years didn’t provide advice to hurt me on purpose. Although we’re Christians, we are humans. We have good days. We have days when we’re not as sharp, when we’re not on point. Well-meaning, God-loving Christians have been and can be used strategically by demonic in your life -- even without them knowing it and you knowing it.

    We all recall when Jesus spoke to Peter in Matthew 16:23. Jesus was very aware that the demonic was working through Peter. Yes Peter, a man who literally was chosen and walked with Jesus. I'll keep this brief by simply asking these questions. Are your spiritual tools keen enough to discern when God-fearing Christians are off kilter who give you advice?

    Do you even know what your spiritual tools are? What do you do to improve your spiritual tools? How often do you use your spiritual tools? Spiritual tools are similar to the physical muscles in your body. They becomes stronger the more you exercise them and use them on a regular basis. Spiritual tools become stronger they more they are stretched out of their comfort zone.

    People ask me and you for advice in areas that we may be weak in. When you realize that a person is asking you for advice in an area you're weak in, do you disclose that this is one of your weak areas, up front? Do you or have you chosen to do what's in the best interest of the person by stopping the conversation and sharing in integrity that this isn't an area you're strong enough and disciplined enough to provide counsel, advice, consent, approval, direction or guidance.

    You and I ask people for advice in areas that they are weak in, but we don’t know that because they don’t disclose it [the majority of the time]. And even when we see -- through people’s repeated actions that they’re weak in certain areas, we sometimes still choose to seek their advice, their counsel.

    This is not wise, beloved reader. So this begs the question, why do we ask them? Because they’ll tell us what we want to hear. This is a clear sign of spiritual immaturity and/or lack of exercising godly wisdom in this particular area of your life.

    Psalm 118:8 reads, It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. Please do not esteem man, woman or Christians words higher than the Word of God for your life, please.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this article, beloved reader.

    If you’re not a member of this Healed People, Heal People, community we invite you to join for free here. You'll receive regular updates of encouragement wrapped in biblical truths. If there are others who’d benefit from this article, please send them the link to this article.


  • wordlove
    About 10 years I learned a spiritual principle that I've never forgotten.

    First let me give credit where credit is due.

    I learned this biblical principle by listening to a series by Dr. Tony Evans of The Urban Alternative in Dallas, TX.

    Dr. Evans taught, whatever it is that you need from someone, from the Lord, that is what you should give first.

    I decided to apply this to my life and it works.

    You are familiar with the universal principle of sowing and reaping, right?

    You know that sowing and reaping is a universal principle, right?

    Meaning that it, the biblical principle of sowing & reaping, is operating in your life, Christian or not, believer or not, a lot saved or not, a little saved or not.

    I'll allow you to do the homework to find the scripture where this is established in the Word of God, The Bible.

    When I was unemployed in 2002, I had to pay my mortgage.

    If my memory is correct, at that time my mortgage was $1,007.49. Yep, I remember numbers very well.

    I had about $500 of the mortgage for the upcoming month and I didn't know where the other half was coming from.

    A had a friend who was also unemployed, like many Americans during that time.

    Her car insurance was due and she didn't have the money either.

    Well, guess how much her car insurance was, $500.

    As I was backing in the garage one day, I clearly heard the Holy Spirit say, "Pay her car insurance."

    She was fretting about how she was going to have to park her car and would not have a means to go look for a job.

    She was used to her family coming to her financial rescue because not only did they work, they also owned companies.

    Her family would not deliver the money as she was accustomed to -- this didn't sit too well with her.

    Meanwhile, I'm having a major verbal spat with the Holy Spirit.

    The conversation went something like this.

    ME: Lord, you know I don't have all of my mortgage. I need that $500.

    THE LORD: You trust me, right? After all, you've been telling people that I'm going to deliver you. Don't you believe it.

    ME: Lord, I've got to figure out where the other half of my mortgage is coming from in less than two weeks. I ain't seeing how this is gonna happen.

    THE LORD: Are you going to take action and demonstrate what you've been saying to people about me. Show your faith.

    Well, this little verbal tennis match went on for a while between me and the Lord.

    I ended up finding my friend's insurance agent and paying her car insurance.

    I asked him not to tell her who made the payment, ever.

    He said to me, aren't you unemployed too?

    I said, yes, and walked away.

    To this day, she doesn't know I paid her insurance.

    She called me a few days later saying, you'll never guess how the Lord provided for me. I was mad at my family for not giving me the money. I should not have tried to determine how the Lord was going to provide.

    I listened to her rejoice, smiled and rejoiced with her. She's still working and doing well to this day.

    I simply wanted to share this with you to let you know I tried, in leariness, applying this biblical principle to my life --> Give, What It Is that You Need, First, To Someone Else.

    Bless You in the name of Jesus and thank you for your contributions to this online Healed People, Heal People community. If you are not a member of this online community, we invite you to join for free. There are regular updates of encouragement.


    The Cross, A Place of Exchange





  • Shakers, anemia, antidote

    Do you take prescription meds? Does someone you love take prescription meds? Did you know that properly prescribed prescription meds is the no. 3 cause of death in America, according to the American Journal of Medicine?

    Inkberry | Herb no. 1 for cancer disorders

    The name Inkberry derives from the practice of using the juice from the berries of this plant as a ready made natural ink for writing letters home during the U.S. war between the states when supplies or regular ink were short.

    The root of this herb has the particular ability to excite the entire glandular system to expel mercury. It has achieved distinction in the battle to dissolves cancers and tumors. It is taken by Native Americans to prevent and dissolve cancers and tumors.

    When using Inkberry keep the bowels open with a natural bowel cleaner, such as Cascara Sagrada or Buckthorn or combination C.C.E.-W, otherwise, you may experience some nausea or discomfort as the Inkberry dissolves the cancer or tumor. Use a bowel cleaner in sufficient quantities to produce at least two, preferably three, bowel movements or more per day.

    Usually the sick feeling clears up within ten minutes after the bowel movement. This good habit of cleaning, and keeping the bowel this clean, may be continued for as long as a person wishes to enjoy good health.

    Dose | For daily maintenance as a prevention of cancers or tumors, 10 to 20 drops. If dissolving a cancer or tumor, 40 to 80 drops two to three times per day.

    To order Inkberry, click here.

    Osha | Herb no. 2 for cancer disorders

    Osha is, in many ways, related to the herb Angelica and can be used for similar purposes. Osha, however, has been used, not just for the stomach to promote proper stomach acid, but has much successful folk use for what we now know are immune system problems and problems resulting from virus attacks.

    North American pioneer medicine is not speculative, but rather very direct. You used what you knew worked, by use and direct observation, and just solved the problem. And if it is a purely physical problem, it gets solved in a hurry. Even when it was not purely physical, at least some relief from suffering could be expected.

    Osha belongs to this class of remedies, and survives as folk knowledge because of its reliability and not because of scientific experimentation. Hence, its reputation in the use of destroying cancerous conditions and correcting immune system problems, by, as we know today, reviving the immune system and getting the body in condition to use its own natural potent weapons of immunity.

    Dose | 40 drops per day as maintenance of the immune system, and eliminate the junk foods and the crummy yummies from the diet. 40 to 80 drops, three times per day, to recover immune functions. In crisis conditions, give 40 drops per hour, keep the person covered up warmly [with natural fiber bedding] and let them sweat it out. Give a cup of Yarrow for any thirst during this procedure.

    To order Osha, click here.

    Sheep Sorrel | Herb no. 3 for cancer disorders

    The Shaker religious community of the U.S. puts forth as one of their principles, the concept of health as being normal and illness as being abnormal. Part of their search for health includes the knowledge of how to use Sheep Sorrel to prevent scurvy. Scurvy, as we know today, is a potentially fatal disease caused by a deficiency of a vitamin called Vitamin C.

    The effects caused by scurvy are very similar to what happens in the case of advanced age where deterioration of the body takes place and death ensues. When it was first used by the Shakers, they, as other people, had never heard of vitamins. Yet, they knew Sheep Sorrel prevented scurvy. They also used it to cure scrofula [glandular swellings], skin diseases, boils [with external applications], and, in extract form, to cure cancers and tumors.

    Here is a plant which combines the unique features of combating the ravages of aging and reverses the condition of bad cells. It is understandable that many people enjoy making Sheep Sorrel a part of their daily supplemental program. A more recent development is to incorporate Sheep Sorrel into a support formula known as P.C.- C. to combat bad cells which can be used in the same way as Sheep Sorrel.

    Dose | 40 drops, 3 times per day. In times of crisis, as with boils and swellings, 40 to 80 drops hourly while awake. If bad cells in the body, then 1 tbl. 3 times per day. For an external application: Apply to the skin of the affected area one after the other 1) Vitamin E with Selenium from 100 i.u. capsules; 2) Herbal Adjustment; and, 3) Oil of Cajeput.

    Then soak a single layer of cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with Sheep Sorrel. Place the cloth over the area. Lay a piece of plastic sandwich wrap over this, cover with another cloth and fix in place.

    Leave on overnight, each night, until the area is corrected. In the morning, remove and discard the application [never reuse the application]. Wash the area and allow to dry. If needed, a daytime application, in the same manner, can be done to speed the healing process.

    To order Sheep Sorrel, click here.

    Spring Violet | Herb no. 4 for cancer disorders

    Both leaves and flowers are active. A specific for ear disturbances and has a soothing effect on inflamed surfaces. For headache, saturate a cotton cloth [cheese cloth or absorbent gauze] and apply to the back of the neck, persistently, until discomfort lifts.

    TB [tuberculosis] of the skin and eczema yield to the corrective properties of violets. Since ancient times, cancerous growths, especially of the throat and tongue, are consistently reported to be dissolved.

    Dose | For the ear [always work on both ears as they are sympathetic], swab the ear canal with Vitamin E with Selenium oil from 100 i.u. capsules, then insert a cotton ball saturated with Spring Violet extract. Leave in overnight and repeat the procedure for daytime.

    This process acts as a time release of constant soothing and healing qualities. The extract may appear hot at first, but this soon abates. Internally, 40 drops to 1 tbl. in a cup of water. Sip slowly, 4 times per day, or as needed for hoarseness.

    To order Spring Violet, click here.

    Sweet Root | Herb no. 5 for cancer disorders

    This beautiful, little, erect-standing, yellow-flowered, water loving plant has helped the most helpless of stomach and intestinal cases. Regular daily use of Sweet Root builds immunity; especially against the flu. Where sickness of known or unknown origin had reduced the body to skin and bones and a person could not gain weight back, Sweet Root has worked miracles.

    If frostbite, cover the area with Sweet Root extract and alternate warm, hot and cool cloths until circulation returns. Its action is especially centered on normal function of pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, liver, stomach, and intestinal tract. Sweet Root proves the old rule: If you can just get them digesting their food again [good food, not junk food], they can get well regardless of how hopeless it looks. Many people can no longer digest grains, especially wheat.

    They eat their wheat bread or pasta or cereal and then it eats them. The lining of the intestines is dissolved. They become allergic, experience diarrhea and or terrible headaches and pains. Sweet Root corrects this.

    Sweet Root cleans and repairs the organs of digestion, correcting for too much or not enough stomach acid. Then a person starts absorbing minerals and vitamins -- the stomach is a stomach again.

    Tumors, cancers and swellings disappear; even cancers of the lung [here, additionally, Yarrow is also taken at the rate of 40 drops, 3 times per day]. The pancreas, gall bladder, liver and small intestine digest the proteins needed for repair and regaining of weight and strength and a sparkle can be seen in the eyes. For serious conditions, take 40 drops, 3 times per day.

    Dose | Start with 10 drops per meal and gradually work up to 40 drops per meal, if needed. Sweet Root not only digests our food, it digests chronic accumulated debris out of the body. So, start slowly and use with a good bowel program to remove this chronic debris.

    By using a good bowel program, wastes are removed more frequently [two, and preferably, three times per day]. This prevents reabsorption of wastes being cleaned out, and prevents sick feeling. You will note a pleasant difference with the digestion. To build immunity take 40 drops per day.

    To order Sweet Root, click here.

    Una de Gato | Herb no. 6 for cancer disorders

    Is a Spanish named herb. Translated, the herb name, Una de Gato, means Claw-of-Cat or, as we would say in English, Cat's Claw. In the remote area of Iquitos, Peru, where Una de Gato is at home, it is very widely used and depended upon to handle a wide variety of problems, including those of a serious nature.

    Una de Gato is the bark of the jungle and highland dwelling vines of the two plant species, Unicaria quianensis and Unicaria tometosa. These are the only two species represented throughout South America.

    The curled projection, or claw, that the vine puts out to help it climb into the trees, gives Una de Gato its common name, Cat's Claw. Because of the remoteness of the area where it is at home, in North America we did not know of its long and accepted uses until later in the 20th century.

    Thanks to the American researcher, Nicole Maxwell, and her over 30 years of dedicated field research and living with and observing the native use of these and other botanicals, we have first-hand information based on observation and experience from the jungle areas of Peru regarding the use of Unicaria quianensis and Unicaria tomentosa. Both are good. The preferred species she recommends as a first choice, however, is the quianensis.

    Additionally, German and French sources, and users there, have shared their enthusiastic results, and simply can not be silenced in their wholehearted endorsement of the tomentosa species of Una de Gato.

    In more enlightened and tolerant areas of the world, such as Peru, where freedom of speech regarding herbs and folk medicine is an accepted and appreciated fact, sellers of herbs must put the traditional and accepted uses on the side of the herb package.

    Unlike North America, where you are not even allowed to claim that an herb is high fiber or low fat or low sodium without a scientist saying you can, and that after a very expensive and lengthy process of proof which may cost as much as 200 million dollars to make such a sweeping claim.

    Here is what is listed in Peru as the traditional and accepted South American Native folk medicinal uses of Una de Gato. Take Una de Gato to correct arthritis, rheumatism, cancer, gastritis, irregularities of the female cycle.

    From all reports, this is one of the South American Indians' very best arthritis remedies. Although it is not scientifically accepted, people there use it and get rid of their arthritis, including the type we call rheumatoid arthritis, where the body is actually fighting itself.

    Una de Gato is also, especially, noted for its anti-viral properties, tumor dissolving properties, its effects on cellular regeneration and cardiovascular repair. As in all jungle areas, one of the things which must be guarded against is infections. Una de Gato is a potent immune system builder.

    This is especially important in conditions described as rheumatoid arthritis and or osteoarthritis, where the body is attacking itself, commonly called auto-immune reactions. Una de Gato reestablishes the proper immune system orientation for cells that are true friends and those that are the actual foes.

    A strong immune system is essential to reversing the effects, and prevention, of any kind of disease. Hence, a wide range of disorders are reported to be corrected by the use of Una de Gato in Peru and Europe.

    Very well documented South American medical information shows Una de Gato to be nearly miraculous in combating cancer, even in advanced stages, where as much as 10% of body cells are in a state of metastasis. Because of the shared reputation Una de Gato has earned for itself, no immune problem or cancer is regarded, in Peru, as incurable.

    Dose | 40 drops, 3 times per day to maintain immunity. For disease conditions listed above, 1 tsp. to 1 tbl. 3 times per day.

    With the use of Una de Gato, as with any herb which destroys bad cells, do use a good bowel management program which produces 2, and preferably 3, easy and complete bowel movements per day.

    In this manner, the wastes and poisons the body is getting rid of, can be eliminated from the body and nausea is prevented. This allows the body to clean itself up and to get well. Common sense and good sense, both, demand that you eliminate anything from the diet and the environment which is a poison.

    A good place to start, regarding what you eat, is any food with any kind of chemical additives such as: chemical dyes, preservatives, flavor magnifiers, stabilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and the like. Eliminate junk foods.

    To order Una de Gato, click here.

    Whole Apricot | Herb no. 7 for cancer disorders

    Dr. Ernest J. Krebs, a noted authority on cancer, has often stated that if a person eats 6-12 apricots kernels per day, they will never have to worry about cancer. He recommends peach or cherry kernels, as well. Contained within these kernels is a very small amount of a substance called nitriloside amygdalin [laetrile, vitamin B-17]. It goes directly to a cancer cell, stings it, and kills it.

    This is especially true of glandular cancers, such as the prostate and other glands. The same is true for moles on the skin and internal tumors. For moles, take Whole Apricot internally and also apply Whole Apricot and Oil of Cajeput, 3 times per day, to the area until corrected. There is no fear necessary for this extremely small amount of cyanide; remember Vitamin B-12 is also a cyanide compound and is absolutely essential to life or a person develops a deadly disease known as pernicious anemia.

    Head lettuce, as a further example, contains a very small amount of opium. Although it is not recommended, head lettuce does not cause a person to go unconscious or stupefied, and head lettuce is still eaten. Once you taste apricot kernels, you can recognize an accentuated almond taste. That is the part that kills the cancer cells.

    It is also present in almonds, but to a much lesser extent. You may find your body is hungry for this taste and the truly wonderful effect it has. The safe rule is not to eat any more apricot kernels than you would of the apricot fruit during a day.

    Dose | 10-20 drops per day, as a daily maintenance. 40 drops to 1 tbl. 3 times per day, if cancer in the body. Keep the bowels open to expel the dead, nauseating cells and poisons with a good bowel program which produces 2, and preferably 3, bowel movements per day.

    If necessary to quickly relieve the nausea of this regimen, take, as needed, 10 to 40 drops of a poison antidote such as Black Cohosh or Virginia Snake Root. Additionally, an enema can be taken. Usually, within 10 minutes of taking the enema you will feel better. If necessary, repeat the enema.

    To order Whole Apricot, click here.

    B.P.-W | Herb no. 8 for cancer disorders

    The combination effect of some herbal combinations is comparable to beautiful music played with all the necessary elements of harmony, rhythm and melody. The herbs blend and support each other and become much more than each separately.

    Such a combination is B.P.-W. Here the combined attention is to provide the strength to clean and normalize the blood stream. It cleans out anything touched by the blood, whether it be cancerous cells, tumors, yeasts and other types of fungus, germs, virus organisms, floating trash, irritating acid crystals, urea and heavy metals.

    B.P.-W also provides nourishment for the red and white blood cells as well as the bone marrow. B.P.-W can be taken with confidence to provide a generous supply of organic iron and rejuvenating materials.

    Note | B.P.-W has a companion formula known as B.C.-W [blood cleaner]. It is a matter of practitioners choice as to which is chosen for cleaning. Both are excellent blood cleaners. B.P.-W leans a little more toward also getting glandular areas to give up their poisons, whereas B.C.-W leans a little more toward also getting the organs to give up their poisons, but both will do a fine job of cleaning. In the process, many diseases just can't stay in the body.

    Dose | 40 drops, 3 times per day. More can be taken, if needed, once accustomed to its effects. Take with a good bowel program to produce at least 2, and preferably 3, bowel movements per day. This handles the increased evacuation of poisons and prevents sick feeling when cleaning the blood.

    To order B.P.-W, click here.

    Lapacho | Herb no. 9 for cancer disorders

    Experienced herbalists consider that both the Tabebuia altissima [purple flowered] and Tabebuia avellanedae [red flowered] varieties should be mixed together for the best possible effects. South American medical doctors proclaim nothing short of miracles for quick relief of pain for cancers of all types as well as their cure within one month in many cases.

    Once again, South American Indians made known a tree which they have used for thousands of years to cure their people. The first was the Cinchona tree bark which yields quinine and cures malaria. Lapacho taken as a boiled tea three times per day [one heaping teaspoonful of the bark to make one cup of the tea] is reported to be their method. The extract is possibly many times stronger if made properly.

    The chemistry of Lapacho is quite well known to the scientific world. Dr. Frederick Koch, M.D., used substances from the tree bark called quinones during the 1930's in Detroit, Michigan, with astonishing results to cure even advanced cancer cases before going to South America in order to continue his practice.

    He especially used a single quinone, which he described as oxidizing or burning up the encapsulated pockets of stagnant cancer-causing points. He reports in this way he was able to provide oxygen for the breath of life to continue for the patient. Lapacho actually has 16 quinones never before discovered together in nature.

    The jungle Lapacho tree is completely immune to fungus infections unlike other trees. It should not be thought that the limit of Lapacho's abilities are confined to cancer, according to Alec de Montmorency, expert on exotic folk remedies. He has collected medical information during the last 20 years on the use of Lapacho in various South American countries.

    He reports the following list of problems that medical doctors using Lapacho have solved: Anemia, leukemia, cancer of all types, lupus, inflammation of the reproductive organs, Hodgkin's disease, Parkinson's disease, colitis, arteriosclerosis, gastric problems, leukorrhea, cystits, hemorrhages, prostate inflammation, polyps, psoriasis and eczema.

    Dose | South American information indicates 40 to 80 drops of the extract in a cup of water three to four times per day. 20 drops per day as a preventative.

    To order Lapacho, click here.

    Chickweed | Herb no. 10 for cancer disorders

    Chickweed is one of the all-purpose herbs. It has the effect of soothing and healing whatever it comes in contact with. It has been used on shrunken tissues such as the drawing up of the fingers where tendons will not relax. Congestion of the liver is often opened up with Chickweed by internal and external use.

    The ranges of chest troubles covered include pleurisy, coughs, colds, bronchitis and hoarseness In addition to this, the list of known relief includes the following: rheumatism, inflamed and weak bowels, stomach inflammation, kidney trouble, scurvy, ease the heat of hemorrhoids and their sharp pains and open the tiny blood vessels around the liver so that it is soft and functioning.

    It should also be mentioned that Chickweed is much prized by the American Indians for swelling of all kinds, redness of the face, boils, blood poisoning, cancer-swollen testes, and ulcerated throat and mouth.

    Dose | 20 to 60 drops three times per day in tea or under the tongue. Can be applied externally over the kidneys on gauze soaked with the extract.

    To order Chickweed, click here.

    Chuchuhuasi| Herb no. 11 for cancer disorders

    Chuchuhuasi is the South American Indian name for the rain forest tree known botanically as Maytenus macrocarpa. Its home is the steamy jungles of Peru, where it is well known and used by the people, especially in and around Iquitos, Peru on the Amazon river. Because of the remoteness of this area, its use was unknown to the rest of the world until recent times.

    Yet, it is now, perhaps, the most popularly used rain forest herb in Peru. Life in a jungle environment means dealing with infections, bites and diseases of many kinds. Remedies must be found and used. Chuchuhuasi serves this multi-purpose function, and it is commonly taken in the liquid extract form.

    Among Chuchuhuasi's strongest properties is the building of immunity and, at the same time, enhancing sexual activity and function. The ability of Chuchuhuasi to do this has attracted strong scientific interest.

    This is accomplished by using the root bark as a liquid and taking orally three times per day. Rather than just working on the relief of symptoms, Chuchuhuasi apparently works on the actual cause of arthritis and, in this manner, restores joints to working order. This, of course, has aroused considerable excitement in the scientific community.

    The same can be said regarding Chuchuhuasi's anti-tumor properties. The USDA [United States Department of Agriculture] has isolated the alkaloid [active bitter compound] maytansine as being most prominent in the compounds believed to be active in the shrinkage of tumors. As if all this would not be enough to recommend the daily use of Chuchuhuasi, it is also applied to the skin to repel jungle mosquitoes.

    Now, the mosquitoes of the Peruvian jungle are rumored, by the local inhabitants, for the benefit of tourists, to be, So large you can hear them when they walk, and Senior, they may even possess backbones! At any rate, accounts of their ferocity are legendary and Chuchuhuasi undoubtedly a welcome remedy.

    Dose | 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day as maintenance. 1 tsp. 3 times per day for more serious cases. Externally as given above.

    To order Chuchuhuasi, click here.

    Cleavers |Herb no. 12 for cancer disorders

    Also known as Bedstraw and Labkraut. Especially good for kidneys, liver, pancreas, and spleen [the spleen is the largest lymphatic organ in the body], epilepsy, shrunken kidneys, paralysis of vocal cords, cancer of the tongue, skin and all types of cancers. Cleavers or Bedstraw is the herb reported to have been used by Mary as bedding in the birth of Jesus and for the crib of Jesus as well.

    Dose | Apply externally to the area three to four times per day and/or internally 40 drops to 1 tsp. to 1 tbl. three to four times per day, depending on the severity of the condition you are handling.

    To order Cleavers, click here.

    Greasewood | Herb no. 13 for cancer disorders

    This remedy comes from the American Indian Pharmacopoeia [listing of official Indian medicines]. Greasewood bush has dark, sticky, resinous-filled leaves and stems. It has the distinct taste of telephone poles and creosote, hence its common name Greasewood Bush.

    It performs a very valuable service as a douche for the female system [20 drops of extract to a cup of water]. Greasewood is most valuable due to the rising widespread use of commercial antibiotics whose use encourages the growth of the many types of fungi [funguses], in the body.

    Jason Winter's Red Clover Tea blend employs Greasewood as an agent to dissolve tumors and cancers on the advice of the American Indian. Indeed of the Indian nations, the Eapoch, Pimas, and Maricopias of the desert southwest have long employed Greasewood to be effective in the following conditions: weight reducing, prostate trouble, skin and stomach cancer, leukemia, cancer, arthritis, warts, chronic backache, bronchitis troubles and to stimulate normal hair growth

    Dose | 10 to 40 drops one to three times per day depending on severity of condition - Two to three bowel movements per day are recommended when using Chaparral to complete the cleaning process.

    To order Greasewood, click here.

    Mayapple | Herb no. 14 for cancer disorders

    This deep woods and wayside umbrella shaped, Springtime blooming plant, not quite knee high, is a familiar sight in much of North America.

    The Mayapple root corrects the following conditions: bilious troubles [liver-gall-bladder caused vomiting], dropsy [fluid retention], congestion of the liver, constipation, torpid [lazy, polluted] liver, lead poisoning, diarrhea, catarrhal [infected mucus congestion] or malarial jaundice [yellow skin], intermittent and remittent fevers, digestive upsets, headache, rheumatism [joint degeneration], syphilis, venereal warts, scrofula [swollen, infected lymphatics which can result in a variety of tuberculous of the lymph nodes or filters], typhoid fever, prolapsed rectum [prolapsus ani], uterine diseases, pin worms, a specific for cancer of the testicle.

    Dose | 40 to 80 drops 3 times per day. If cancer of the testicle, then open capsules of 100 i.u. Vitamin E with Selenium and apply to the entire scrotum. Then apply Oil of Cajeput and Herbal Adjustment directly to the skin. Finally, soak a single layer of cheese cloth or absorbent gauze with Mayapple extract and wrap this around the scrotum.

    Over this with plastic sandwich wrap and a cloth and wear with snug but not tight fitting under shorts. Leave on overnight. The next morning, remove the application and discard. Wash the area and allow to dry. Then repeat the application for the daytime. This is an around-the-clock, time release corrective action. Persist until the condition is corrected.

    Be sure to use with a good bowel program such as Cascara Sagrada, Buckthorn and C.C.E.-W to carry off the wastes to avoid skin irritation. This same procedure can be followed for other body parts for the other conditions listed above, where practicable. Apply Mayapple to venereal warts as needed.

    To order Mayapple, click here.

    Protein | Herb no. 15 for cancer disorders

    [High quality pre-digested protein fraction of milk]. Milk has often been introduced as Nature's most perfect food. It probably would be -- if it could be digested. Eighteen percent of the North American population, for instance, has a milk intolerance to cow's milk. That means, for them, milk is a foreign substance which cannot be properly digested.

    Hence, allergies, skin problems, colds, flu and worse occur. This is unfortunate when a person cannot eat the food which might help them. Milk was meant to be a fully sustaining diet for the young, in humans, for at least the first six months. Now, if you could find a way to digest milk, it could become one of the most important protein sources in the diet.

    A way has been found. Digestive enzymes [proteins that break down food substances] have been added to the finest proteins in milk. The result is a life-sustaining source of very high quality protein with very few calories.

    Remember, cancer patients die, finally, unless mishandled through ignorance, from protein starvation. This can be prevented by giving an adequate protein intake of high quality digested protein. For the normal person who wishes to slow down the ravages of aging and its sorrows, protein, vitamins and minerals come to the rescue.

    Take enough so that you see the difference. For training athletes, a protein supplement, plus protein in the regular food, gives a double intake of protein for rapid development. Heal injuries and surgical operations quickly with increased protein intake.

    To stabilize high or low blood sugar levels, an adequate amount of high quality protein intake, taken frequently and well digested, is vital for normalization of either condition.

    For young women developing tissue integrity, protein is a must. It may take several months to re-develop true natural stamina from adding adequate protein to the diet, or longer, if under continuing stress. Think about it.

    A person could have gotten worse under stress. To not get worse and actually get ahead of the game is quite something. At any rate, what else would you have been doing? Hence, be patient and rich rewards will be yours, my friend.

    Dose | 40 to 80 drops, daily, following meals, or if need be, in place of meals. If diabetic [high blood sugar] or hypoglycemic [low blood sugar], then up to 1 tsp. or more taken 5 times per day.

    To order Protein, click here.

    Red Clover | Herb no. 16 for cancer disorders

    Red Clover owes some of its richness to the ability of extracting calcium, silicon and mineral salts from the earth. It promotes an alkaline environment of the blood stream, which is antagonistic to cancer.

    It has been long recognized as an anti-cancer herb, which promotes a healthy granulation of the afflictions and their dissolution. It is admirable for correcting lymphatic problems, kidney conditions, malignant ulcers and sores of long standing.

    Dr. Jethro Kloss [a noted early 20th century American herbalist], praises it highly Extended and successive use of Red Clover extract has been responsible for removing external cancer and old skin ulcers Wet a large area of the skin surface several times daily with the extract. The rich iron and mineral content has made it a favorite of Russian folk medicine for shortness of breath and anemia.

    Dose | 20 to 40 drops three times per day on the tongue or in juice or water. Apply or spray on one tablespoonful, or more, each time, if external cancer or shingles.

    To order Red Clover, click here.

    Red Clover Blended | Herb no. 17 for cancer disorders

    This combination was made famous by desperate amateur Amercian herbalist, Jason Winter.

    Necessity being the mother of invention, he cured himself of cancer. In the process, he developed this herbal combination to do the job. Now many others have used this combination and report similar results and claims for its effectiveness in eliminating cancer. The herbal components of the formula perform strongly together as a team to increase each others effect over what they produce if taken separately.

    Greasewood by itself has a long history of having been used to dissolve cancers and tumors by the American Indians in the desert southwest. Red Clover is the prime herbal alternative [regulating herb] of northern American Indians, for counteracting scrofulous [lymphatic] disorders and skin disease, and as an antidote for cancer. It is also a specific for the kidneys and thereby, helps with the removal of toxic material from the body.

    Buchu is known to be rich in potassium and facilitates the removal of irritating poisonous wastes from the blood and lymph through the kidneys while at the same time immediately soothing any inflammation that might be caused from poisons being eliminated. Buchu provides the spark, which coordinates this highly effective herbal team.

    Internal dosage | 10 to 20 drops daily as a preventative. One teaspoon after meals, to kill and dissolve bad cells. In very advanced cases, up to one tablespoon three times per day. The amount taken should be managed in this manner: Give only as much as the body can eliminate daily without nausea or discomfort. Also, one tablespoon of C.C.E.-W per day and one tablespoon of Alfalfa [multi-vitamin, mineral and protein supplement] three times per day.

    When using Red Clover Blended for dissolving cancers, be sure to use in conjunction with a good bowel management program that produces at least two, and preferably three, easy and complete movements per day. To flush out what Red Clover Blended is killing and dissolving to avoid nausea and sick feelings.

    External application | Work in this manner: Each night, apply Vitamin E with Selenium from 100 or 400 i.u. capsules to the area as an oxygen extender [bad cell and tumors cannot exist in areas of good oxygenation], then apply Oil of Cajeput [decongestant and pain reliever].

    Then, soak a single layer of cheesecloth or absorbent gauze with Red Clover Blended and wrap this around, or place over, the area to be corrected. Cover this with plastic sandwich wrap to form a thermal and moisture barrier and drive the herbs into the area, while pulling poisons out through the skin. In the morning, remove and discard the application.

    Wash the area and allow the dry. Then repeat the application procedure for the daytime just as you did for the night ime repeat in the fashion until well A debt of gratitude for the formula concept of Red Clover Blended is owed to one of the finest naturopathic physicians ever, from Chicago, Illinois [USA], Dr. Michael Michaels.

    To order Red Clover Blended, click here.

    Reishi Mushroom | Herb no. 18 for cancer disorders

    Is the Japanese word for a healing mushroom, much researched in Japan. The wisdom of the use of this mushroom means several species, or more than one of this type comes to us originally, from ancient Chinese medicine. Recent investigation of this particular mushroom indicates it works with the body cells to produce a substance known as interferon.

    Interferon is a potent, protective, natural protein. It is produced by body cells that have been invaded by a virus; they, in turn, produce the interferon which prevents healthy cells from being invaded by a virus. The Chinese have long used and praised this mushroom to promote longevity. Even a partial list of its uses would be quite impressive.

    It is used in cases we would describe as chronic fatigue; also, for tumors, cancer, hypertension [high blood pressure] and immune disorders, including those which fit the pattern of what we describe today as AIDS. The Reishi mushroom is used as a food item in Japan and China by many people, so there seems to be no problem with its use as an herb if a person can normally eat mushrooms.

    Further claims made for its use are to relieve breathing problems, liver problems and act as an antioxidant. As an antioxidant, the Reishi Mushroom is used to protect against free radicals [dangerous, destructive, over-active types of oxygen molecules that react with things they shouldn't and eventually cause the breakdowns we describe as various dis-eases and old age] produced in the body through the regular processes of living, environmental poisons, radiation, excessive fat intake, body fat stores maintenance, and frying fats in food preparation.

    In order to perform its observed duty, the Reishi Mushroom is thought to combine with these free radicals and render them harmless. Thus, is described then, this gift from the eastern part of the world.

    Dose | As a maintenance, 40 drops 3 times per day. 80 drops, 3 times per day, for more involved conditions. For serious conditions, 1 tsp. to 1 tbl. 3 times per day.

    To order Reishi Mushroom, click here.

    Yellow Dock | Herb no. 19 for cancer disorders

    Alma Hutchens cites Yellow Dock as a favorite herb of ancient Indians, old time doctors, early settlers and herbal practitioners. Perhaps its prime function is due to its extremely rich organic iron content. Because of this, oxygen for the breadth of life is combined easily with food materials for energy and to oxidize food and reduce them to easily eliminated ash from the depths of the cellular mitochondria [body's furnace].

    Yellow Dock is often recommended for prenatal cases so mother and baby can have proper oxygenation fro a normal pregnancy. The rich supply of iron provides baby with enough iron to survive on a diet of breast milk for six months after birth without additional iron, as is expected. The solids of Yellow Dock when analyzed are up to 40% iron.

    This type of iron cannot be picked up by a magnet. Iron formulas often employed in the prenatal diet by modern doctors are straight from iron ore and can cause liver poison and black stools. Yello Dock's iron is closely associated with the living plant processes and is easily absorbed. Modern science today will do well to recognize the relative activity rates of different types of iron rather than make false assumptions that iron fillings are as good for you as Yello Dock iron.

    Healthy mothers and babies speak much for the difference. Herbalist have traditionally used this mineral-rich plant for sore joints, blood from the lungs, tumors, leprosy, cancer, chronic bronchitis, diseased spleen, swollen lymph glands and as a valuable source of iron for male and female systems. Rub the extract on spongy gums each evening until relief. Loose teeth are thus replaced in proper position.

    Use the extract for shingles by combining Yellow Dock with Burdock to make an application. Apply Vitamin E with Selenium to the affected area. Then place a cotton cloth, with no dye, soaked in the extracts over the area followed by a plastic wrap and a cloth wrap to hold it all in place. [Ratio for this solution is 10 to 2]. Ten parts of water to one part of each Docks. This may also be used on other types of skin eruptions and skin allergies.

    Dose | Internally 10 to 40 drops one to two times per day. During pregnancy, 10 to 40 drops three times per day.

    To order Yellow Dock, click here.

    White Pond Lily | Herb no. 20 for cancer disorders

    Time honored remedy, know as Star-Fallen-In-The-Water by the Ojibwa Indians of North America. Much appreciated for its beauty as well as its reliable healing properties. Resident of calm waters, bearing large, delightful, floating, white flowers with golden centers and producing a captivating perfume described as brandy-like, hence, its alternative name -- Brandy Bottle.

    The root is the part used. The taste of the root of White Pond Lily is unique; warming, slightly dry, and mineral in character. Used to correct all complaints of uterus or prostate and dissolving all types of cancers and tumors in the area.

    Recognized as an anaphrodisiac [reduces sexual desire for rest and healing], as well as a pain reliever and its soothing qualities. Excellent to quiet infant diarrhea, ulcers in mouth, inflamed gums and sore throat. Take internally, and apply directly to troubled areas, as well.

    Dose |10 to 40 drops three times per day. Apply on troubled areas, hourly, as needed. Use cotton ball soaked with the extract to place in mouth for sore throat or gums.

    To order White Pond Lily, click here.

    Sanicle [dissolves tumors] | Herb no. 21 for cancer disorders

    The American herbal practitioner, Jethro Kloss, in his monumental work, Back To Eden, aptly describes Sanicle in this manner: This is one of the herbs that could be called a cure-all because it possesses powerful cleansing and healing virtues both internally and externally.

    Sanicle’s great strength includes its uncanny ability to seek out and find anything, which needs correcting and works on that area first that needs it most. It also deserves distinction as a thinking herb. In other words, if you’ve got it, Sanicle will find it and fix it, whether the tumor is in the reproductive organs, brain, nervous system, lungs, throat, urinary system or elsewhere.

    Sanicle is a bulldozer and builder. There may be temporary discomfort when Sanicle contacts an unwanted obstruction, but it is your reassurance that Sanicle has scored a direct hit. Skin disorders, tumors [also brain tumors], and all manner of morbid material are resolved by Sanicle.

    Prolapsis of the uterus [fallen uterus], melancholy [due to toxins], thin mother’s milk, morning sickness, diabetes, bee stings, and intermittent fever indicate general categories of its ubiquitous [seemingly everywhere] application.

    Dose | 40 drops two to three times per day. If a brain tumor, also apply to entire scalp, back to neck and temples. Rub one tablespoon into the scalp at night and wear a shower cap. Wash the area in the morning. During day rub Herbal Adjustment [another natural herb that can be ordered] into scalp 3 times per day.

    To order Sanicle, click here.

    Vinca | Herb no. 21 for [leukemia] cancer disorders

    Its brilliant blue flowers can be seen blooming at any time during the growing season, even in very cool climates. Vinca is a leukemia remedy for many body types. In those body types where it is the remedy, a marked difference should be noted within the first two weeks of use. Take at the rate of 40 to 50 drops, 3 times per day.

    It is in the leaves that we find Vinca's healing virtues. Long used as a cure for nightmares and high blood pressure. It is thought that when a man and wife take the leaves together, it binds them more closely together. Certainly, if it can relieve nightmares, it may also calm marital stresses. Its name, in Latin, means to bind closely together. Vinca is rubbed on muscular cramps, and is used to stop internal bleeding of the nose and mouth.

    Dose | 5 to 10 drops, twice per day, for daily use; increase, if necessary, once you are used to the effects of Periwinkle. For nose and mouth bleed, 20 to 40 drops all at one and repeat, as necessary, every 1 to 2 hours. For muscular cramping, gently massage in enough to cover the area and repeat, as necessary, to relax the spasm. For other uses, as given above.

    To order Vinca, click here.

    Red Root | Herb no. 22 for [skin] cancer disorders

    A cheerful, low growing, early spring, wild flower with delicate white petals and a golden center. The root sap, which is a brilliant red, was used by the American Indians as a cosmetic. It was employed as lip rouge and for facial marks of distinction.

    They also applied it, directly, to cure skin cancer and eczema. More modern use shows Blood Root to clear up yellow skin, as in hepatitis caused by a liver infection or congested gall bladder. Even more recent tests have shown the use of Blood Root extract to be one of the major dental discoveries in history. Reports indicate that 60% of the people who lose their teeth do so not because of gum and bone deterioration.

    These problems are caused by germs living on the roots of the teeth, destroying gum tissue and the jaw bone in which the teeth rest, as well as the roots of the teeth. These horrible germ colonies are called plaque.

    Now for the good news -- studies indicate, after two weeks of applying Blood Root to the gums after each brushing, plaque is reduced by 50%. In another two weeks, half of the remaining plaque is gone, and so on. A novel use of Blood Root, for this purpose, can be achieved by adding 40 drops of Blood Root extract to the water-pick container before cleaning the teeth with the water pick.

    Be sure to run a full container of plain water through the water-pick after use to prevent clogging. For very troubled areas, put several drops of Blood Root and Formula Ol' Number 11 [bone-flesh-nerve and cartilage restorer] on a piece of cotton, place it between the gum and cheek.

    Let it rest there all night and, if necessary, repeat this procedure for daytime use. In larger amounts [30 to 40 drops, three times per day] Blood Root can lower dangerously high blood pressure. No affect is noted on blood pressure if it is not high.

    Blood Root is an arterial sedative if it finds the arteries of the body in a cramped condition. To use Blood Root as a mouthwash, remove 1 oz. of mouthwash from a pint bottle, add 1 oz. of Blood Root to the remainder and then use as regular mouthwash.

    Dose | 40 drops 3 times per day, internally. Externally, as needed to cover the skin area, 3 to 4 times per day. For the gums, apply as needed, to cover the area each time the teeth are brushed [2-3 times per day].

    To order Red Root, click here.

    Broad Beans | Herb no. 23 for cancer disorders

    Are known to contain the following: Vitamin A [eyes and skin], B-1 [for the personality], B-2, B-12 [for energy], Choline and Inositol [to dissolve cholesterol], B-3, Niacin [for tongue and skin health], B-5, Pantothenic Acid [for anti-stress], B-15, Pangamic Acid [as a supplier of oxygen], B-17, Laetrile [anti-cancer properties], as well as Vitamins C and E.

    Broad Beans also contain Chlorine, necessary for stomach acid manufacture, and impressive amounts of the minerals: calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, sodium, sulphur and zinc.

    This impressive array of vitamins and minerals is a potential gold mine -- if we could only digest the things. This problem has now been solved. The technique of waking up the beans to begin the sprouting process makes them digestible, and then making an extract to increase their absorbability unlocks their magic.

    Maybe Jack selling his cow for beans in the nursery rhymes wasn't too far off. We might also consider this. Broad Beans contain the valuable protein component, Lysine, to help build immunity and combat and prevent fever blisters and herpes. Broad Beans contain an even more impressive protein component called L-dopamine, known to correct Parkinson's Disease and other shaking disorders.

    L-dopamine is a valuable pituitary gland nutrient. All in all, when you know this, no one can say you don't know beans about research. These broad beans are a gift of the Creator. Enjoy them.

    Dose | 10 to 40 drops, 3 times per day. If active case of herpes, fever blisters or shaking disorder, 1 tsp. to 1 tbl., 3 times per day.

    To order Broad Beans, click here.

    Golden Bough | Herb no. 24 for cancer disorders

    The leaves are the parts used, not the berries. As such, they are beneficial to your health, contrary to what you may have been taught. This is like the old problem with the potato, the part you eat comes from under the ground and is a good food. If you cook and eat the part that grows above the ground it can kill you.

    You don't fear eating potatoes, and you need have no fear of adding mistletoe leaves to your diet. Mistletoe is for nerves that are worn to a frazzle. If you feel like crying when someone points their finger at you, it's Mistletoe time. Due to our ancestral memory, many of us do still associate this plant with joy and well being at Christmas time.

    To lower chronic high blood pressure due to nervous tension and to correct balance problems and epilepsy, nervous system instability, anxiety, paralysis, weak pulse, poor outflow of blood with each heart contraction [tired from walking across the room], enlarged heart and water retention, put 40 to 80 drops of Golden Bough along with an equal amount of Herbal Adjustment in a cup and drink it as needed.

    Mistletoe, among its other virtues, is a beautiful storehouse for the mineral element zinc, which prevents the formation of certain cancers. In Germany, Mistletoe is given medically to post-operative cancer patients to raise their immunity and thus prevents reoccurence of the cancer. Let's take it now and avoid the problem altogether.

    | 5 to 40 to 80 drops every 4 hours, while awake, as needed for crisis periods. 40 to 80 drops daily for maintenance.

    To order Golden Bough, click here.

    Thank you for taking your time to read to learn about these Pure Herbs on Healed People, Heal People. If you're not a member of this online community, we invite you to join for free here. You'll receive regular updates of encouragement wrapped in biblical truths.


  • depression, personal, ministry

    You may have read or heard of news articles about aluminum being a possible cause of Alzheimer’s disease, paranoia and learning disabilities. Alzheimer's disease robs one of memory and life. It has to be one of the most terrible and dehumanizing things that torments our modern society.

    Aluminum has a special affinity or liking for the brain and nervous system and heads straight for them. This pollutes and interrupts their function. Herbal practitioners have also confirmed that the glandular functions of many men and women have been restored when aluminum contamination is flushed from the body.

    Many baffling and confusing conditions that have not responded to anything all of a sudden clear up. You may ask, ‘Where does all this aluminum contamination come from?’

    That is a fair question. Here are a few of the most common sources: soda pop, beer, etc. in aluminum cans, baking powder used in our baked goods, aluminum drying agents in powdered food to prevent caking, aluminum cookware, baked potatoes and other foods baked in aluminum, over-the-counter preparations for upset stomach that contain aluminum-hydroxide, industrial manufacturing processes that dump aluminum into our air and water and don’t forget one of the worst things for a woman’s body, underarm antiperspirants made with aluminum-chlorhydrate.

    You have to figure whatever you put under your arm will wind up in the breasts and other parts of the body. You can see this is especially bad for
    women, and imagine the problems it can cause with the breasts. Put another way, we can safely say that most cancers in the body are caused by poisons.

    Perhaps a little aluminum now and then does no great harm, but constant use of it, especially from so many man-made resources, can constitute a health threat. It is not just people who suffer from aluminum poisoning.

    You hear much these days about bones not being able to retain enough calcium. It may interest you to know that aluminum competes with calcium for absorption in the body and lowers the female hormone, estrogen. Our dogs and cats fall prey to this aluminum contamination as well.

    Manufacturers of pet food, especially the dry type in bits, commonly use aluminum to keep it dry. Interestingly enough, despite all the piles of scientific evidence from animal hair and skin analyses, our Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for Health have shown no interest in investigating this situation.

    If you notice that your pet has dry lusterless hair, is listless, has no energy, chewing wallboards and such and attempting to catch unseen things
    in the air, suspect aluminum poisoning. Their blood tests quite often show, along with aluminum, pancreas, liver and kidney damage. Home-made dog foods can help a lot.

    For people and pets, the use of sea vegetables, especially one known as Bladderwrack, does wonders for flushing aluminum out of the body. This can be added to one’s diet rather easily. For a person, 10 to 40 drops of a type of algae, liquid Bladderwrack [known as an extract] or one to four capsules per meal.

    And for a pet, depending on size, one to ten drops per meal or one to four capsules per day. While you are detoxifying dangerous metals, it may
    also be wise to keep in mind using still another type of algae. Chlorella can be used to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury or lead. Where you find one type of metal poisoning, you often find others.

    Chlorella can be taken in the same amounts as Bladderwrack. Please be patient. It may take awhile, even months, but at least it is comforting to know you are on the right road. Is it any wonder that our bodies have become polluted as we have polluted the earth with our modern drive for profit and better living through chemistry? Thank the Creator that herbal remedies have been provided for the relief of maladies of our
    own making!

    Remember When and Golden Days are Pure Herbs that are useful in removing metals/aluminum from the body.

    This article was excerpted from the April 2011 Pure Herbs newsletter.

    — Dr. Watkins


  • demonpuppet

    What is a demon?

    Demons have distinct and unique personalities just like human beings. Remember that neither satan nor his demon spirits are things. Neither should they be taken lightly. Demons are beings who have all the normally accepted marks of personality: they possess will, intelligence, emotion, self-awareness, and the ability to speak.

    Satan is the leader of all demons. Because satan is prideful, his demons follow his lead, which means all demons have a degree of pride like their leader. Demons even compete against one another while operating in your life. The name of the demon reveals its characteristics or manifestations. See the following examples.

    Lucifer - Isaiah 14:12

    Prince of the power of the air - Ephesians 2:2

    Ruler of the demons - Matthew 12:24

    Destroyer - I Corinthians 10:10

    Angel of light - II Corinthians 11:14

    Serpent of old - Revelation 20:2

    Great dragon - Revelation 12:9

    Devil - Revelation 12:9

    Wicked one - Matthew 13:19

    Father of lies - John 8:44

    Murderer - John 8:44

    The following are examples of the characteristics of demons in the Bible.

    Here the demon exercises his will, a 1st characteristic
    In Matthew 12:44, the demon who has gone out of a man says, "I will return to my house from which I came." The demon here exercises its will to make a decision, and then follows it up with the corresponding action.

    Here the demon shows emotion, a 2nd characteristic
    In James 2:19 it reads “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe - and tremble!" Trembling is an outward mark of strong emotion. Derek Prince writes that at times he has seen a demonized person, who when confronted with the authority of Christ, began to tremble violently. This may be an outward manifestation of fear of the demon inside.

    Here the demon shows intellect, a 3rd characteristic
    Demons have knowledge not derived from natural sources, rather evil sources. The first time Jesus confronted a demonized man in the synagogue in Capernaum, the demon spoke out of the man and said in Mark 1:24, "I know who You are - the Holy One of God!" It was more than a year before Jesus' own disciples began to realize what this demon had discerned immediately.

    Here the demon shows self awareness, a 4th characteristic
    When Jesus asked the demonized man in the country of the Gadarenes in Mark 5:9, "What is your name?" a demon answered on behalf of itself and the other demons, "My name is Legion; for we are many." The demon was aware of both its own identity and that of the other demons occupying this man.

    Here the demon shows their ability to speak vocally, a 5th characteristic
    In the first three gospels and also in Acts, we see several examples of demons able to speak through the vocal organs of the people they are occupying. The demons could and still do answer questions and carry on a conversation. Normally we regard the ability to speak as a distinctive mark of personality.

    Demons display a wide range of character traits. Some are vicious, violent, supernaturally strong. Others are weak, cowering, even ridiculous - characteristics one would not expect to find in a demon, which is a fallen angel.

    Where did demons come from?

    If mankind, Adam and Eve, had never sinned, we would never have been vulnerable to demons. From the beginning, ever since man, Adam and Eve, turned from God in rebellion, all males and females born have been subjected to two main spiritual evils: sin and demons.

    Where do demons live?

    Each demon desires to express himself through a human body, preferably yours. A demon is not happy unless he has a human body, again, preferably yours. Because demons do not possess physical bodies of their own, demons seek to inhabit or use the bodies of humans or animals.

    How do demons work?

    God can be everywhere at the same time. Satan cannot be everywhere at the same time. Since satan was booted out of heaven, there has been a fight for dominion. Satan tries to accomplish his goal of dominion of your life through demons since he cannot be everywhere at the same time.

    He, satan, dispenses or assigns his demons or demonic spirits to babies in the womb, people, you, your family, your church, cities, denominations, governments, countries, hospitals, institutions, leaders, through music, through television, through drugs, through immoral sex, through perverted sex, through alcohol, etc. In very simple terms, God represents the light or the good and satan represent the dark or the bad. Just as God and His Holy Spirit is active daily, so is satan and his demons or demonic forces and principalities.

    What can I do about demons?

    There is an urgent need for Christians to learn all we can about the nature and activity of demons. This knowledge is important for all believers, since none of us can claim immunity from the attacks of demons.

    It is especially important for pastors and other Christians certified in integrated healing & deliverance to be trained and available for each Christian who desires help. Only with trained, revelatory knowledge are those called to healing and deliverance able to make a correct diagnosis and apply the appropriate remedy so Christians can experience freedom ministered by the Holy Spirit.

    Are demons associated with illnesses or health challenges?

    Many sicknesses are actually caused by demons, and they should be treated as such. Let's look at a scriptural example where this actually happened.

    In Luke 4: 38 – 39, it reads "And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon's house. And Simon's wife's mother was taken with a great fever; and they besought him for her. And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever; and it left her: and immediately she arose and ministered unto them."

    If this fever was only a physical problem, then how foolish to rebuke it! It makes no sense whatsoever to rebuke an inanimate thing. One can only rebuke something having intelligence, and Jesus knew that a spirit caused this fever. The fever left Peter's mother-in-law because it had to obey Jesus' authoritative command.

    How many demons are there?

    The Bible specifically names many, many demons and there are also categories of demons based on their function. For example, if a person [illegitimately] controls things and people, the specific demon in the Bible that's operating in this person is the Jezebel demon [you understand that Jezebel is really a super stronghold because four demons make up the Jezebel head.]

    When you are engaged in spiritual warfare, it is important to know your enemy. Part of spiritual warfare is getting rid of your demons on a lasting, permanent basis. Demons manifest themselves through you, your family and your church members under many different names. The following evil spirits, demons, or devils are mentioned in the scriptures, but this list is not exhaustive. Each one is a personality, and the word used expresses their nature:

    The nature of specific demons shown in the Old Testament that remain active today.

    Jealousy/feelings of jealousy - Numbers 5:14, 30

    Ill will/evil - Judges 9:23

    Distressing/evil - I Samuel 16:14-23; 18:10; 19:9

    Lying/deceiving - I Kings 22:22; II Chronicles 18:20-22

    Perverse/distortion/dizziness - Isaiah 19:14

    Deep sleep - Isaiah 29:10

    Heaviness/fainting/despair - Isaiah 61:3

    Harlotry/prostitution - Hosea 4:12; 5:4

    Unclean/unclean/impurity - Zechariah 13:2

    Familiar - Deuteronomy 18:11

    Sorrowful - I Samuel 1:15

    The nature of specific demons shown in the New Testament that are still active today.

    Mute/robbed of speech/Deaf and dumb/ deaf and mute - Mark 9:17; 9:25

    Infirmity/causing sickness/ crippling - Luke 13:11

    Divination/predicting the future - Acts 16:16

    Deceiving/deceitful - I Timothy 4:1

    Fear/timidity - II Timothy 1:7

    Error/falsehood - I John 4:6

    Unclean - Matthew 10:1

    Divination - Acts 16:16

    Bondage - I John 4:6

    Deceiving - I Timothy 4:1

    Error - I John 4:6

    Death - Hebrews 2:14-15

    Are there new demons?

    No, there are not new demons. The demons established in the Bible are it, but that's a whole lot of them! Demons can take on many, many, many manifestations in each person's life.

    How do you identify demons?

    The easiest way to identify a demon is by how it manifest in your life. There are many lists of demons, strongholds and generational curses. Again, the easiest way to identify each demon in your life is by how it manifests in your life. For example, one lady was severely overweight and she struggled with her weight for years. When she came for healing and deliverance, the demon was simply identified as the sugar demon. See how simple that is.

    Why are so many Christians scared of demons?

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    a) you may not understand your authority based on scripture - An excerpt of Luke 10:18-19 reads, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    b) you may have a fear of using your authority once you know your authority; fear is a stronghold that is controlled by the demonic.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    c) you may believe the authority the scripture states is for all other believers except you; this unbelief is a stronghold that is controlled by the demonic.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    d) you may be deceived into thinking the demons active in your life will not obey your command when you use your authority; this is a lie. Satan is the father of lies. Demons are under the leadership of satan. So, this lie you believe is from what, the demonic.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    e) you may not understand your position based on scripture - An excerpt of Romans 8: 16-18 reads that you are the child of God and a joint-heir with Christ.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    f) you may choose not to exercise your authority daily; angelic and demonic activity take place 24-hours a day. As a Christian, you are automatically enrolled in a battle known as spiritual warfare. There are only two positions in this Christian battle, offense and defense. Most Christians choose, by default, to live their lives operating on the defense and in response mode. Most Christians choose to be passive in the battle. Why are you passive? Because your church does not regularly teach and train the church body and regularly teach and train those called to healing & deliverance how to engage in spiritual warfare daily.

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    g) you may have been deceived into thinking that demons have more power than you do -- as a child of the King who inherited all spiritual blessings. Smile -- I'll let you find this scripture reference : )

    Christians are scared of demons because:

    h) you may choose not to read and study your Bible regularly to be reminded of and operate daily in your God-given authority. Meanwhile, you, your family, your church and your country suffer needlessly. It really ain't that deep yall -- sorry about the incorrect language here.

    Why do so many churches not teach on the demonic?

    God is not interested in our church membership or denominational labels – we all use the same Holy Bible where all of these scriptures in this article can be found. No believer wants to be exposed and many of our sins, including our private, secret sins, create shame. Confidential, healing and deliverance ministry does not expose you, the person, rather it exposes the demonic strategy that’s been operating in your life and keeping you in your private bondage.

    You think what you’re going through is not transparent to other believers, but it is. The Holy Spirit is still waiting on you to surrender -- at any minute of any hour of any day. You know what the beauty of confidential, integrated healing and deliverance is? It will be the last time you deal with the pain, the shame, the secrets, the coping mechanisms. You may remember, but the pain historically associated with the memories, the experience, is over!

    There are three parts to the God-head: 1) God the Father; 2) God the Son; and, 3) God the Holy Spirit. In the church, we are comfortable with the first two parts of the God-head, but many churches are not comfortable with teaching and training about the third part of the God-head, the Holy Spirit.

    Any church that does not teach, train and operate in the supernatural realm of the Holy Spirit and regularly teach and train those called in to healing and deliverance is a crippled church. Why is the church crippled? Because the leadership and the membership will not have an available arm of ministry where hurt people can be healed. And you know that every breathing human in the church has something the need healing and deliverance from, right? After all, the church is a hospital for the spiritually sick.

    What is the purpose or goal of demons?

    As stated in John 10:10, the thief [satan and his demons] come to steal from you, and to kill you, and to destroy you. This is true for every human born, which includes you and every person in your family lineage. Satan and his little demons are so pleased the more you choose to remain unlearned about him and his demons. Why does this please satan? Because he can continue to have dominion in your life or parts of your life. All the while, you continue to blame things in your life on coincidence, bad luck, you being different or you just can't stop doing something.

    Why is it critical for you to understand demons as a Christian?

    Picture a green plant in a flower pot. Most Christians when dealing with life’s issues deal with the symptoms. The symptoms are the green leafs on the plant. Integrated healing and deliverance deals with the roots of the plant in the flower pot that you cannot see. The green plant represents your life. The demons represent the roots of your life challenges and problems. Unless the roots of your life issues are identified and dismantled, you continue to see manifestations in your life.

    Let me give you an example. Let’s say there’s a person who has a drug stronghold. Typically, you’ll hear people talk about the drugs, the lack of responsibility the person shows, how the person steals, how the person will not keep a job, etc. While all of those things are a reality, none of those symptoms are the root(s) of the person’s problem. Integrated healing & deliverance targets, identifies and dismantles the root system of your life’s problems.

    What do demons hate?

    Demons hate many things, but I’ll share four things. One, demons hate God. Two, demons hate believers using a heavenly prayer language because they cannot understand what’s being prayed; demons can understand you praying in English or your native language. Three, demons hate scripture, which is why scriptures must be used when actively dealing with the demonic. And four, demons hate humans, which includes you.

    Demons do not play fair in your life. Demons show you, your family and your church no mercy. May I ask the next logical question? Why do you choose, by default, to exercise grace toward the very demons that are still stealing, killing and strategizing to destroy you, your family and your church? Have no mercy on demons in your life; be brutal with them in exercising your authority!

    How do demons manifest or show themselves in daily life?

    Click here to listen to the audio titled Some Ways Demons Enter Your Life.

    How do demons relate to generational curses and strongholds?

    Exodus 20:5-6
    … For I The Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me.

    Exodus 34:7
    … visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and fourth generation.

    Numbers 14:18
    … visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fouth generation.

    Deuteronomy 5:9
    … visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.

    Now, why did I share these four scriptures with you? One, because they are true because they are in the Word of God, the Holy Bible. Two, because these scriptures clearly establish generational curses.

    Each of you reading this article have parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so forth. Because none of us came from perfect families, that means that both sins and iniquity were present in their lives. More than likely, most of us didn’t even know the people extending back to the 4th generations on our mom and dad’s side of the family.

    One thing you must understand about God is God sees me and you as part of a family unit. We are born into a family unit and remain in a family unit until we die. You can’t get into the world bypassing a family structure. Most of us think of ourselves as an individual. I’m sorry, but that’s not how God views us. We are all connected, and initially that’s through the family structure, which links you into the generations referenced in the four scriptures above.

    So, what’s the bottom line here? Did every person in your family on both sides of your family repent and confess of all their sins and iniquities. Probably not. Because each of us is born into our families, the iniquities of our parents and the other people unto the fourth generation weigh against us from our inception in the womb. What does this word iniquity mean? Iniquity is inner heart tendency from your fore fathers sins pressing, weighing, leaning against you to do the same thing [sins] they did.

    Do you and I have to give in to the pressure? No, but many times we do. Why does this pressure exist? Well, satan’s job is to kill, steal and destroy your life. We know that satan doesn’t play fair, that’s a given. Well, how early should satan start working on you? As early as possible. Well, how early is that? He, satan, starts when you’re in the womb, the moment of conception plotting and strategizing on how to take you out.

    Click here to listen to the audio titled Demons Entering Through The Womb. Be encouraged to listen to this; it is a good, sound, biblical teaching.

    Well, how does satan know what to try on you? One thing we know about satan is he looks at what’s worked well historically, generationally in taking out your family. Since your parents, grand parents and those back to the fourth generation probably didn’t do anything about their generational curses, he automatically starts with those sins and iniquities to see if you’ll give in to the pressure and follow suit – yet adding on another generation continuing the bondage.

    Well, reader, most of the time, this works so flawlessly, that satan and his demons have very little work to do in our lives. So the question for you reading this article is, what are you going to do about the operation of generational curses in your life? You can try to deny them, but that is not effective.

    How do demons relate to generational curses? One way generational curses have power is they are held in place to operate through the demonic realm.

    In many cases demons transmit from one family generation to the next family generation, and so forth, through a) genes; b) the environment children grow up in [we all were children at one point]; c) the universal, biblical law of sowing and reaping [that is active in every single family]; and d) demonic oppression.

    Can the transference of demons occur?

    Yes. In some cases, the transference occurs during a formal, ritualistic ceremonies.

    How do I get demons out of my life?

    Temporarily, you can bind demons and temporarily stop their mission, which is to block you from receiving God has for you. Why do I purposely use the word temporary with demons. After you bind any demon, you should complete the process by commanding each demon from your life.

    If you don’t do this, then the binding process is temporary, which means each time you see the demon manifest, you’ll need to rebind. This can become laborious, so it’s just makes sense to complete the process by commanding the demon the leave. Commanding each demon active in your life will not take place until you take care of the root reason(s) that gave each of the demons entrance into your life.

    Matthew 16:19 reads, And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

    What are demonic voices?

    As a Christian, you should know the different ways the Holy Spirit can speak. A few examples of how the Holy Spirit speaks to us are following:

    a) in a still small voice, Acts 9: 3 – 7;
    b) by external or outward visions, Joshua 5: 13 – 15;
    c) with dreams, Daniel 2;
    d) through and inward vision, John 8:38;
    e) via personal prophecy [that should be tested and prophecy can be conditional], I Corinthians 12: 7 - 11;
    f) illumination of scripture;
    g) hearing His voice audibly, I Samuel 3:10; or
    h) in any way He chooses.

    Remember these are only a few ways you can hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. Many times many, many, many Christians are challenged in hearing the Holy Spirit in their daily lives. Why?

    a) Unrepented or unconfessed sin hinders you from hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit

    b) You feeling unworthy to hear the voice of the Lord;

    c) You being afraid [fear] to hear the voice of the Lord;

    d) You don’t even believe you, as a Christian, are able to hear the voice of the Lord, so this is boldface unbelief.

    e) Not spending regular, daily, intimate time with the Holy Spirit makes His voice foreign to you. As in every relationship, we learn to recognize someone’s voice by hearing it over and over again. This is even true for the Lord’s voice.

    John 10: 4 – 5, 16 – When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice … They too will listen to my voice …

    f) Your unexpressed disappointment or anger towards the Lord can hinder you from hearing His voice.

    g) The presence of demons operating in your life block your spiritual eyes and ears. There are certain demons that specialize in trying to prevent our receiving anything from God.

    h) Read I Samuel 3:2-10 where Samuel did not recognize the voice of the Lord

    How do demons strategize?

    One strategy demons use is to see what has worked successfully on those in your family lineage – particularly your parents, grand parents, and so forth. If no one in your family line has broken the generational curses held in place by the demonic, the curses continue.

    A biochemist once explained to Derek Prince, "A human body is attacked regularly by cancerous cells. When that body is healthy, its immune system identifies and attacks the cancerous cells, and they are unable to harm the body. But when the body has been weakened by illness or some kind of emotional shock, the immune system is unable to do its job effectively, and some form of cancer can develop somewhere in the body."

    Immediately Derek Prince said to himself, that's just how it is with demons!

    A second strategy demons use | Demons continually seek to invade you, but when you are spiritually healthy, the spiritual immune system within you identifies and attacks the demons, and they are not able to move in and take control of you. Any kind of unhealthiness or emotional weakness on the other hand, makes you vulnerable to demonic attack.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this article on Healed People, Heal People. If you are not a member of this online community, we invite you to join for free here. If you know a Christian who could benefit from the information in this article, please end them the link.


    Restoring The Foundations: An Integrated Approach To Healing Ministry, 2nd Edition, by Chester and Betsy Kylstra
    Demons and Deliverance, by H.A. Maxwell Whyte, Copyright 1989, Whitaker House
    They Shall Expel Demons, by Derek Prince, Copyright 1998, Chosen Books
    Life In Jesus Ministries’ Web site
    Demons And You by Mike Green at the following email address
    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


  • womancrying

    Wow, this is a subject that tugs close to my heart strings, how about yours? Do you know how many people have blocked emotions? I do. Guess I kinda used to be one of them. I remember saying, I just really don't like crying -- especially not in front of people.

    Well, why not? The Lord created emotions, actually in the book of Genesis. There must be a reason He created tear ducts, and even biologically and physiologically there's a reason for them.
    I've typically preferred crying alone, you know, it's private, no one sees you and if it messes up your make up, you can straighten it up. Right now, my mind rolls back to two crying episodes I had where I just couldn't control the tears.

    First crying episode

    I was on a business trip in South Carolina and I was tired after landing at the airport.
    I was exhausted emotionally and mentally.
    I decided, I'm not going to work today, instead I'll eat lunch and rest, after all, I don't know anyone in this city.
    I ate lunch and when I finished, a stranger in the restaurant walked up to me and said, "Baby, the weight on you is so heavy, I felt it across the restaurant and I've been sitting over there praying for you."
    I remained quiet, I didn't know her.
    She asked while standing at my table, “May I pray for you?”
    I said yes and she began to pray while touching my hand [the waitresses are now looking because they know we didn't come in together].
    Bear-sized tears began racing from my face because this woman called out everything that was wrong with me and I didn't know her.
    Yes, people in the restaurant are really looking now.
    After praying the lady said, do you have car, did you come here in a car.
    I said yes, my rental is outside.
    She said, go in the car, roll up the windows and cry as hard as you need to.
    I did just that.
    I exited the restaurant, drove across the street to a bookstore parking lot, went way in the back of the parking lot -- and baam, I wailed like an animal in the forest who was wounded and no one was there to rescue them.
    I'll never forget that cry.

    Second crying episode

    I'm now in another state years later and I spontaneously decided to have a meal with a lady I'd met like about two days prior.
    I'd been doing some reflecting on my life and thought I was fine.
    The Lord was dealing with me on an issue I really didn't want to talk to people about.
    After all, nothing is ever going to change, so why bother even addressing it.
    Sometimes you just have to accept things the way they are right?
    No, wrong!
    Why is that wrong, because what I believed DID NOT align with The Bible, the Word of God.
    If what I believe doesn't align, then what I believe is not true.
    The Word of God is true, it is the truth, which meant what I believed was a lie.
    Yes, it had been a reality for a long time, but it was a lie I believed because the situation had been that way for so long.
    Well, let me tell you.
    I sat at that meal table with just about a perfect stranger.
    We were eating.
    And I tried to be civil and talk, do the small talk exchange.
    Lord, that didn't last for two minutes.
    The tear ducts RIPPED and there was no way I could conceal the tears.
    This wasn't a simple cry, the veins in my soul had ruptured and here I am with a complete stranger.
    It's a beautiful thing when you can communicate with a person -- human spirit to human spirit -- without using any words.
    Really in this particular situation it was the spirit of the Lord in me connecting with the Spirit of the Lord in her.
    That lady rubbed my right shoulder and the top of my back.
    She didn't say a word.
    Underneath my breathe I eked out the words repeatedly, "They are not better than me."
    I just kept repeating that because that had been my inner struggle that started centuries before I was born.
    I just bought into the lie because it had been passed down generation to generation to me -- and in ignorance I accepted it.

    Well, Beloved reader, I simply share with you today, you have the freedom and are released to cry.
    Cry in public.
    Cry in private.
    Cry with friends.
    Cry with enemies.
    Cry with your spouse.
    Cry with the Lord holding you.
    Cry in your car.
    Cry in the bathroom stall at work.
    Cry in your woman's lap.
    Cry on your man's shoulder.

    It's okay; you are now released and have the freedom to cry.

    Beloved reader, thank you for taking your time to read this blog. If you're not a member of this online Healed People, Heal People community, we invite you to join for free here. You'll receive regular updates of encouragement wrapped in biblical truth.


  • quit smoking, stop smoking, delivered

    When you smoke, you inhale up to 4,000 toxic chemicals. After you meditate on the list below, you will hopefully consider healing and deliverance to quit smoking permanently.

    Acetone - paint stripper

    Ammonia - floor cleaner

    Arsenic - white ant poison

    Butane - lighter fluid

    Cadmium - used in car batteries

    Carbon monoxide - car exhaust emission

    DDT - insecticide

    Methanol - rocket fuel

    Napthalene - mothballs

    I began smoking cigarettes as a teenager when I was a 7th grader.

    My parents smoked and several of my friends.

    It looked like such an enjoyable thing to do as well as looking cool and grown-up.

    Almost needless to say, a habit of 5-7 a day soon became a ritual.

    As the years progressed, I got pregnant with my second child and was encouraged by my doctor to quit and I did.

    Since my husband was a smoker, it begin to appeal to me again.

    Admittedly, trying not to smoke once you have been a smoker and you live with a smoker is challenging at best through human efforts.

    So, I started smoking again.

    Another doctor encouraged me to quit since I developed high blood pressure/hypertension.

    Even though I only smoked 1 cigarette a day after supper in the restroom so my children wouldn’t see me, it was still a habit and just as difficult to quit.

    This time, I prayed for the Lord to take the desire away.

    As of today, I haven’t had another cigarette since.

    That has been at least 15+ years ago.

    For whomever may be wrestling with the smoking habit, I encourage you, my sister, brother, or future Christian, to believe the Lord will deliver you, too, if you sincerely desire to be delivered.


    Smoke-free Sister

    Prayer for freedom from smoking including renouncing

    A biblical complete set of instructions for the smoker who is dying to give up smoking!

    Why is it so difficult to stop?

    Jesus said that the devil is a murderer from the beginning and cigarettes are one of his preferred methods of killing humans since it is such a slow, seductive, and finally painful process.

    As we study the origins of smoking tobacco products it becomes clear that there are many spiritual roots, which hold a person in bondage to this habit. The benefit of the following teaching has been proven over several years and as readers exercise their freewill to pray and cut off the spiritual roots associated with smoking, freedom will result. Let's start with a story.

    True story
    When I was only about six, my older brother found a brand new packet of cigarettes beside the road and we felt very grown up as we smoked almost the whole packet between us.

    By the time dad arrived home from work we both were very sick and probably looked green. When he smelt the tobacco and enquired if we had been smoking we lied at first but were questioned till the truth came out!

    I am so glad, now, to have been put off smoking by that experience. Although I did experiment with cigars and a pipe in my 30s, I couldn't forget how sick I had felt as a child. I have since seen a lot of sick and spiritually bound friends who have ignored the warnings on tobacco and cigarette packets.

    Out of concern for two friends who were heavy smokers, I studied the historical spiritual roots of smoking tobacco and was amazed.

    Soon after finishing my research, I prayed with a taxi driver who wanted to quit smoking explained the history of tobacco etc. and he was set free of his habit of years through deliverance ministry, dealing with the various roots.

    Many other friends have seen the victory, but some only partially since I have found that you must deal thoroughly with the roots of this dying habit.

    In many countries the law requires that warnings be printed on cigarette and tobacco packets e.g. Smoking causes lung cancer. Smoking causes heart disease. Smoking causes fatal diseases, etc.

    True story
    One morning as I sat having morning tea with a friend, I asked him how he could still use cigarettes in spite of the warning on each packet that it causes fatal diseases. My friend got very upset and almost shouted, "It does not say causes!"

    I asked him to read what his packet said and he read aloud with amazement, "Smoking causes lung cancer." He paused, looking quite stunned. "I've never seen that word causes before!" he said quietly. The demons of addiction had blinded him to the truth.

    So first, it's helpful to understand the spiritual background to smoking; and therefore, why it is so difficult to stop.

    1. Biblical roots

    This sin is described in Deuteronomy: "There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer [one who consults the dead] or all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord; and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee."
    Deuteronomy 18:10-12

    Incense = Idolatry. Also, the burning of incense like tobacco is described as a form of idolatry in the Bible and is condemned as an abomination to God.

    "He that killeth an ox [is as if] he slew a man; he that sacrificeth a lamb, [as if] he cut off a dog's neck; he that offereth an oblation, [as if he offered] swine's blood; he that burneth incense, [as if] he blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose [that] in which I delighted not." Isaiah 66:3 - 4

    Because ye have burned incense, and because ye have sinned against the Lord, and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord, nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil is happened unto you, as at this day.
    Jeremiah 44:23

    "A people that provoketh me to anger continually to my face; that sacrificeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon altars of brick; Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable [things is in] their vessels; Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou.

    These [are] a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Behold, [it is] written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom, Your iniquities, and the iniquities of your fathers together, saith the Lord, which have burned incense upon the mountains, and blasphemed me upon the hills: therefore will I measure their former work into their bosom." [Lungs?]
    Isaiah 65:3 -7

    The incense that we should burn is prayer; Let my prayer be set forth before thee [as] incense; [and] the lifting up of my hands [as] the evening sacrifice.
    Psalm 141:2

    Next, the great Spanish explorer, Christopher Columbus, had to smoke the Indians peace pipe of tobacco before he would be accepted by the North American Indian tribes. So now we can see the typical.

    2. Emotional roots | Most smokers will acknowledge that they have taken up the habit through fear of rejection by their peer group who were experimenting with smoking and thought it was cool. When they are rejected, people seek a comforter and tobacco smoking, like over-eating, masturbation, drug taking, even expressing violence can be the false comforter they turn to.

    Christopher Columbus took the tobacco curse back with him to Europe in the 16th century, where one of its early uses was as a medicine, and from where its use spread throughout the world.

    3. Chemical roots | The tobacco plant [nicotiana tabacum] is a member of the group of plants described as the solanaceae group. Solanaceae means comforter and nicotine is renowned for the sense of false comfort that it gives to the addict, yet nicotine is used as an agricultural insecticide. This group of plants includes the potato and the deadly nightshade or belladonna plant.

    4. Bodily roots/effects | Nicotine causes disorders of the respiratory system, dizziness, increased blood pressure, and disturbances of hearing and vision.

    It seems that the first thing that the spirits behind smoking do, is to mask the true taste of the tobacco. The taste, which is disgusting to a non-smoker, becomes attractive to a smoker.

    A simple prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the true taste of the tobacco is sometimes enough to cause a smoker to seek to be free of the habit. However, without prayer, and once hooked, smokers usually carry on smoking even though the smell rejects non-smokers.

    True story
    One of my nephews was a smoker, a drinker and loved rock music. However, we loved him enough to pray for him as a family one day; binding satan, all spirits of addiction to nicotine through smoking, alcohol and rock music, in intercessory prayer. He was not present!

    We prayed that God would let him see these things for what they are, to taste the true taste and to help him to find the real Comforter, God's Holy Spirit. Only two weeks later he became a Christian and his testimony was that he had tried to drink a Bacardi and Coke but it tasted like poison.

    He reached for a cigarette but couldn't smoke it as it tasted disgusting, and that when he looked at his rock music posters in his bedroom, he saw how evil they were for the first time. So, he got down on his knees and prayed and asked Jesus to come into his life and; "Boy, did He come!" He testified to us.

    "While smoking tobacco directly destroys the lungs, nicotine slowly damages the arteries and the heart. In its pure form nicotine is one of the most powerful poisons known. A direct link between lung cancer and tobacco was established in 1950." [Penguin Hutchinson Reference Library.]

    Having achieved his end to slowly kill the unaware smoker, satan then offers those who want to try to give up, his alternative remedies. These often only lead to greater bondage eventually. Products like nicotine patches [the poison without the pong!], a program named after an Egyptian false god, i.e. the Isis program, and Hypnosis.

    Hence, many people get out of the frying pan and into the fire. The real cure = cut out the roots of this multiple bondage til the tree falls over.

    Perhaps you need to repent of:

    1) the fear of rejection by [a peer group];
    2) lying [to anyone like parents];
    3) rebellion against [anyone like parents];
    4) self-will;
    5) lack of self-control; and,
    6) seeking false comforters.


    1) All historic roots;
    2) Communication with familiar spirits (even in ignorance);
    3) challenging or worshipping death;
    4) burning incense, therefore Idolatry; and,
    5) damaging the temple of the Holy Spirit. Your body is where the Holy Spirit dwells.

    Renounce the ungodly lie
    "Man, this is living."
    Then believe, speak and confess the truth
    Smoking is death in disguise

    Renounce the ungodly lie
    "I'll be accepted."
    Then believe, speak and confess the truth
    "Cigarettes make you stink."

    Renounce the ungodly lie
    "Smoking just comforts me."
    Then believe, speak and confess the truth
    "Smoking is an addiction."

    Renounce the ungodly lie

    "Cigarettes tastes great."
    Then believe, speak and confess the truth
    "Cigarettes taste like poison."

    An excellent way to help you quit the habit is to put a small New Testament Bible in the pocket where you would normally keep your smokes. Then you have three choices when the habit to reach for a smoke nudges you.

    1st choice: Read God's Word, which is health and medicine to all your flesh. Proverbs 4:20-22

    2nd choice:
    Read God's Word, and smoke, or

    3rd choice: Smoke and ignore God's medicine. Die young!

    However, don't let the devil make you feel condemned if you can't immediately quit a long-standing addictive habit. Ask Jesus to help you one day at a time. Perhaps hum the tune when you feel like a smoke! "One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking of you." Pray!

    The following steps will help you to freedom. These are based on the principle of drawing nigh to God, resisting the devil and then, God’s Word promises that, he shall flee from you!

    1. So call on the Lord and ask Jesus to help you one day at a time. Remember that His Holy Spirit is The Helper.

    2. Throw away all items associated with smoking, even ashtrays, and all eastern incense and idols.

    3. Tell every spirit associated with your addiction to leave you and never to return, in Jesus' name!

    A true testimony

    "After 17 years of smoking, I have stopped!" I didn't just give up - I just got on a winning team. Jesus did the work for me. This testimony is not a condemnation of smokers - I pray it will help someone, somewhere. During the 17 years that I was chained to nicotine I tried all sorts of methods to give up - hypnosis, Isis, patches, cold turkey, cutting down, etc. -- and contrary to advertising myths, you don't get your money back.

    I was amazed at how I could do without practically everything else except my beloved cigarettes [my best friend]. I would even choose buying a packet of cigarettes over something my baby needed. And when I was really desperate, you guessed it, I rolled those butts up! After failing so many times and everyone sick of hearing I'm giving up smoking' song - I sought deliverance prayer.

    First I had to pray about praying - to learn what might be behind my bondage. This led me to remembering that I had enticed others into smoking when I was a kid, so I needed to apologize to God for this and ask His forgiveness as well as for deliverance from the spiritual bondage.

    I believe, because I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit, prayer was able to release me from the cravings. Although this was just the beginning, it marked the start of the battle. The sword had been drawn - my job was to determine who, or which side, I was giving the sword to. The choice was mine.

    Here's what I mean. Every time a trigger set my mind off about smoking I started to think praise and worship thoughts towards Jesus - thanking Him for setting me free and breaking the chains of bondage. I would just keep doing this until the thoughts of smoking were no longer there. Initially I was doing this a dozen times a day, maybe two or three times in a row. It was a battle, but one I was allowing Jesus to fight for me.

    Three times I was lazy and allowed my mind to entertain the smoking triggers - three times after receiving prayer I had a cigarette. Although it's important to point out that I didn't crave nicotine, but I had entered the trap. I had allowed the thoughts to penetrate and lead to no good.

    Over a year later, I still get the occasional trigger and each time I thank Jesus for continuing to break those chains. I can't believe I haven't smoked for so long and neither can members of my family. They honestly thought that I was so spiritually attached to it that I would be smoking until the day I died.

    In fact the very experience has spoken volumes to my grandmother who has strengthened her own faith through this and also my sister who has given her heart to the Lord because she has seen through this just how real He is. How real Jesus is! This testimony is written by Awhina Leca, but belongs to God. Please feel free to copy it and share it.

    Another young woman named Juliana writes after being delivered of her smoking habit." It was a miracle! I could not resist smoking before, and now, there I was, throwing the lighter away over the hill." "Coises! These Christians are getting free! Soon there'll be no houses' left for us demons!"

    Other scriptures relevant to smoking

    John 8:44

    ... you belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. [NIV]

    John 8:44
    For you are the children of your father the devil and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and a hater of truth -- there is not an iota of truth in him. When he lies, it is perfectly normal; for he is the father of liars. [TLB]

    John 8:45
    And so when I tell the truth, you just naturally don't believe it! [TLB]

    Deuteronomy 18:10-13
    Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

    Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the Lord your God. [NIV]

    Deuteronomy 18:10-13
    For example, any Israeli who presents his child to be burned to death as a sacrifice to heathen gods must be killed. No Israeli may practice black magic, or call on the evil spirits for aid, or be a fortune teller, or be a serpent charmer, medium, or wizard, or call forth the spirits of the dead.

    Anyone doing these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord, and it is because the nations do these things that the Lord your God will displace them. You must walk blamelessly before the Lord your God. [TLB]

    Isaiah 66:3-4
    But whoever sacrifices a bull is like one who kills a man, and whoever offers a lamb, like one who breaks a dog's neck; whoever makes a grain offering is like one who presents pig's blood, and whoever burns memorial incense, like one who worships an idol.

    They have chosen their own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I also will choose harsh treatment for them and will bring upon them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in my sight and chose what displeases me." [NIV]

    Isaiah 66:3-4
    "But those who choose their own ways, delighting in their sins, are cursed. God will not accept their offerings. When such men sacrifice an ox on the altar of God, it is no more acceptable to him than human sacrifice. If they sacrifice a lamb or bring an offering of grain, it is as loathsome to God as putting a dog or the blood of a swine on his altar!

    When they burn incense to him, he counts it the same as though they blessed an idol. I will send great troubles upon them -- all the things they feared, for when I called them, they refused to answer, and when I spoke to them, they would not hear. Instead, they did wrong before my eyes and chose what they knew I despised." [TLB]

    Isaiah 65:3-7
    A people who continually provoke me to my very face, offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on altars of brick; who sit among the graves and spend their nights keeping secret vigil; who eat the flesh of pigs, and whose pots hold broth of unclean meat; who say, 'Keep away; don't come near me, for I am too sacred for you!'

    Such people are smoke in my nostrils, a fire that keeps burning all day. "See, it stands written before me: I will not keep silent but will pay back in full; I will pay it back into their laps; both your sins and the sins of your fathers," says the Lord. "Because they burned sacrifices on the mountains and defied me on the hills, I will measure into their laps the full payment for their former deeds." [NIV]

    Isaiah 65:3-7
    All day long they insult me to my face by worshiping idols in many gardens and burning incense on the rooftops of their homes. At night they go out among the graves and caves to worship evil spirits, and they eat pork and other forbidden foods. Yet they say to one another, 'Don't come too close, you'll defile me! For I am holier than you!'

    They stifle me. Day in and day out they infuriate me. "See, here is my decree all written out before me: I will not stand silent; I will repay. Yes, I will repay them not only for their own sins but for those of their fathers too,' says the Lord, 'for they also burned incense on the mountains and insulted me upon the hills. I will pay them back in full. [TLB]

    Jeremiah 44:23

    The very reason all these terrible things have befallen you is because you have burned incense and sinned against the Lord and refused to obey him." [TLB]

    Psalm 141:2
    Regard my prayer as my evening sacrifice and as incense wafting up to you. [TLB]

    Proverbs 4:20-22
    Listen, son of mine, to what I say. Listen carefully. Keep these thoughts ever in mind; let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they will mean real life for you and radiant health. [TLB]

    Miracle prayer

    Lord Jesus, I come before you just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your name I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce satan and his evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I believe that God the Father raised you from death and that you are alive to save me right now.

    I invite you into my life, Jesus, and I accept you as my Lord God and Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit. Come, Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I love you, Lord Jesus. I praise you, Lord Jesus. I thank you, Lord Jesus. shall follow you every day of my life. Amen.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this article on Healed People, Heal People. If you are not a member of this community, we invite you to join for free here. You'll receive regular updates of encouragement wrapped in biblical truths.